Chapter 7

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After that, Virgil's friends stayed very close to him. He was never seen walking down the corridor without Remus and Janus or Roman with him. One day, Virgil turned up to watch Roman's Quidditch practice. It was something he'd started doing recently but this time, he didn't have his sketchbook with him.

"Heya Virge."

Virgil looked up to see Roman hovering above him, upside down on his broom. Virgil laughed slightly. "Hey Princey."


"Yeah. I just thought that you act like a prince so much and- do you not like it? I-I can stop calling you it if you want."

"Hey, hey, calm down Virge. It's fine. I like the nickname." Just then, Roman's name was called. "Coming Rose!" He yelled before shooting an apologetic glance at Virgil and speeding away on his Firebolt.

"Oh, hey Virge. You still here?" Roman asked after a long hour of Quidditch. Virgil smiled slightly and nodded. "Where's your sketchbook? Don't you take it everywhere with you?"

Virgil laughed. "Yeah, I think I'd look a bit stupid lugging around a pile of ashes."

Roman's eyes went wide as he hovered next to Virgil. "You burnt your sketchbook?" Virgil nodded. "Why?"

"It had to many pictures of," Virgil took a deep breath, "of him. There were to many pictures of him in it. It wasn't worth saving."

Roman stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking. Then he patted Virgil's shoulder. "That's pretty brave, Virge." He laughed at the quizzical look Virgil gave him. "I mean, you're an artist. Drawing is - from what I've seen - everything to you."

Virgil shook his fringe out of his eyes. "It's fine. I'll buy another in Hogsmead."

"Do you wanna go to Hogsmead with me and the others? Like, as friends and everything?" Roman asked, biting his lip. Virgil blinked at him for a few seconds.

"Um, sure." He said, smiling

"Great! It's a date and I definitely stand by saying that." Roman said, internally cringing as Virgil laughed.

"Yeah." Virgil said, standing up. "A date." Then, he kissed Roman on the cheek and ran away, laughing under his breath.

Roman sat still on his broom for what felt like hours, the place Virgil had kissed burning. When he came back to reality, he flew around the Quidditch pitch, whooping and spinning his broom upside down. He couldn't wait for the weekend.


When Roman finally entered the Gryffindor Common Room, his entire team was sitting by the fire, smiling knowingly at him.

"So, how'd it go?" Alex, one of the Beaters, asked. Roman rolled his eyes at them and sat down opposite Rose.

"How did what go, Alex?" He asked Alex, making them pout.

"You know!" They said, turning to the other for help.

"The thing with the cute Ravenclaw. You missed a Quaffle because you were staring at him!" Joanna, a Chaser, said. Roman smiled but didn't say anything.

"Roman, we're your team. You're obligated to tell us something!" Jack, the Seeker, egged. Roman smiled at him and let a giggle escape his lips.

"I don't think I've heard you giggle for ages, Roman." Rose, another Beater and Captain of the team, said. She sat up and grinned. "Who is he? What's his name?"

Roman decided to finally cave and tell them. "Okay, fine. His name's Virgil and I may have asked him to go with me to Hogsmead this weekend."

The effect was instantaneous. Jack, Alex, Joanna and Silvia (another Chaser) squealed and Rose punched the air. Eveline looked like she was ready to explode and made a noise like a dying cat.

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