Problema Numero Due

109 2 0

Somewhere in a secluded part of the Island of Malta, Italy

A sleek black car stopped in a front a magnificent infrastructure that could put a shame to ancient ruins, The Vongola Headquarters. Vongola HQ is the home and the central base of the most powerful mafia family in Italy. Furthermore, it is also the official residence of the Vongola Bosses and their Guardians. In the past, home would not be so appropriate to describe the HQ since those were bloody and cruel times, up until the 9th Generation. However, when the 10th Generation boss and guardians surfaced, everything blew up to shit and went right. No longer just a 'mafia crime family' that signifies war and death but also care, support and protection.

That feat was once just a dream - a goal by the 1st Generation boss and guardians but with the power and will of the current 10th Generation Vongola Boss, Sawada Tsunayoshi and his beloved yet destructive guardians, it was made into reality.

Decimo and Leonardo both stepped out from the car, the latter surveyed the surrounding area looking for suspicious persons despite being in the vicinity of one of the most protected homes in Italy - one cannot let their guard down in this field of profession - while the former simply looked up towards the old building with a small smile.

"Decimo! I best be off! Thank you for the lift!" Leonardo can't help but bow down in gratitude. After all this is the big boss we're talking about even if he made orders for personnels in the family to not bow down as a greeting but because of the deep respect he has for the big boss - it is inevitable.

"What did I say about bowing, Leonado-san?" Decimo reminded

"Not to, Decimo" Leonardo responded still in a bow.

Decimo lightly laughed and shooked his head "Fine, now go...Kyoya might be looking for you" Leonardo rose from his position and saluted, then ran into a direction where only he knows what destination lies ahead.

"Bentornato, Decimo[1]" an old age man greeted with a smile. He was wearing a black tailcoat with matching trousers while holding a piece of cloth perfectly draped on his arm.

"Ah, Alfred! Nice to see you! How's everything going?"

"Everything is in the same place as you left them, Decimo. Care for a newspaper?" Alfred handed out the newspaper towards Decimo

Decimo sighed and went to receive the newspaper "Thank goodness...well then I best do my work now or else some demon would appear and drag me to hell. Thanks for the paper!" he rolled his eyes as he begin to walk inside the threshold. Alfred who heard what was said light laughed and smiled 'Truly there is no moment of peace that will happen in the household when Decimo is home' he looked lovingly at the retreating back of Decimo 'Well...I wouldn't want it the other way'


Once Decimo reached his office, he immediately sat down and skimmed through the given newspaper. Italian newspapers were good to read but mafia related newspapers? they were a headache. Decimo flipped to the next page and found out that there is some upstart family making trouble on the east coast of Italy. He mumbled something in his breath resembling to the lines of idiots or fools and then flipped the page once more. He continued to read until he was disturbed by a knock on the door.

"Juudaime[2]?" a silver-haired head popped out of the semi-opened door. Seeing that the man he was looking for was inside the room, he went in. Decimo looked up from his paper and greeted the man.

"Didn't I tell you to call me Tsuna now, Hayato?"

"Ah, yes Tsuna. Old habits die hard, you know?" the silver-haired man, now identified as Hayato, sheepishly smiled and went ahead to put a stack of papers on the table. Decimo, now Tsuna, saw the stack of papers placed in front of him, growled menacingly.

"Who is it this time?"

"The pineapple bastard" Tsuna slammed down the newspaper he was holding making Hayato flinch and closed his eyes 'Earlier it was Mukuro? come on...' he rubbed a hand on his face and said

"Where is he now?"

"Chrome has him. Got angry in your place. She knows how stressed you become when he does this kind of thing everytime."

"Oh my angel! Bless her!" Tsuna put his hands up in a prayer like position with both palms pressed together in the air in happiness while Hayato just smiled. Then the air changed, Tsuna stood up from his seat and went near the big paned window behind him to stare at the scenery.

"They're making trouble again, Juudaime" Hayato reported. He explained the problem they were dealing with and how the enemy family went coo-coo on some innocent village - kidnapping women and children, stealing items, beating up the villagers and set flame a small part of the village. Oh how Tsuna hated this hearing this kind of reports.

Despite living the majority of his life peacefully with his mother and survived up until middle school when he found out his crazy lineage and then was thrust into the world of blood, gangs, mafia, war, family and whatnot. It was crazy I tell you. However, being the official Vongola Boss for 5 years, he knows the world isn't nice - life is hard and he experienced that first hand plus with cuts, bruises, semi-death situations and torture courtesy of some devil wearing fedora! 'Curse him!' his life sure wasn't easy. As a result, he has to somewhat change his ways of dealing this kind of problems.

He always believed that he can save people without anyone dying in the process but with the adventure he had undergone to when he was still in middle school, you know the whole 'travel to the future' shit. He knows he had to change - he can feel it. The outcome of the change? he took his first kill.


Google Translated and Reborn Wiki

[1] Welcome back, Decimo

[2] Tenth


-Sneak Peek-

A man was running so fast he can hardly breathe. He was afraid of getting caught and fail to report his boss about this crucial information that could change the tides of the conflict. He ran and ran until he finally saw a familiar looking building. Feeling assured that he was near, he ran even more faster and barged inside.


"Attention all men! Code 0! This is not a drill! Suit up and prepare for war." after relaying his orders he shifted his attention to his Juudaime "I shall go on ahead, Juudaime." he then left after squeezing Juudaimes' shoulder in assurance and clarity that they will definitely save her.


"I know you're watching, Bermuda"


That's all for the second chapter! I know its short but I hope you liked it!🙌

I really missed KHR. I hope they return, after all they stopped making the anime when the next arc was supposed to be the best out of ALL 😭

Anyways, remember UPDATES are random!

So if you love that sneak peek and would like for more ADD TO LIBRARYFOLLOW ME and STAY TUNED to your notifications for Chapter 3!😇

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I edited my Kaichou wa Maid-sama Fanfiction - Fate and Destiny: The One for Him and for Me - please do check it out in my profile 🙌

See you again!♥♥♥


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