"Okay, fine. I will stop asking but please take care of yourself, okay? Take a break from time to time and don't overwork yourself, alright?" Chiyo shake her head in disbelief of how stubborn you can be.

"Okay, okay! I understand~" you smiled.

Chiyo looked around as she asked, "Anyways, where is the young man with blond hair who always buy flowers? I can't seem to find him here these days? Is he busy?" making the smile on your face fade in an instant.

Is she talking about Katsuki-san? It must be him since Monoma haven't been here for Chiyo-san to meet.

Your hands halted. It felt like time stopped in an instant as soon as Katsuki's face flashed in your head.

"He would always help me pick flowers whenever I stop by to buy. He doesn't look like it but he's a kind man." Chiyo mentioned.

I know that. I know that yet...

Chiyo gentle brushed her fingertips on the petals of the roses that you were fixing as a gentle smile appeared on her lips, "Have he confessed yet?"

"What?" your head immediately shipped back to the old woman beside you. Your eyes were glued on her smiling face, eyebrows furrowed in both confusion and peculiarity.

"Hmm?" she perks up, "Oh, nothing. He mentioned to me before that he's going to profess his feelings to someone dear to him. I guess he already did and it ended up well."

Eyes widened in bewilderment, you can't find the exact word to say, finally leaving you speechless while staring at Chiyo.

"He seemed so happy talking about it. How great it is to be young." Chiyo mentioned as she took out a pink rose and handed it to you, "Seriously that young'un. Even if looks like a dangerous fellow, I still wish him happiness."

Nausea swirled unrestrained in your empty stomach while your head swam with half-formed regrets. Your heart felt as if your blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat.

But I hurt him. And I'm not sure if I can fix this.

Chiyo reached for you, making you withdraw back at the sudden touch after getting lost in your thoughts. The old woman gaze upon you as if she already knew what was going on.

The smile on her face never faded, but it only grew wider into a warm and gentle grin.

"You should find your happiness, too."

Kirishima hesitantly watched as Katsuki was busy looking at some papers in his desk. He was feeling a bit conscious since Katsuki has been on the edge a lot lately and small things annoy him nowadays.

ever since he came home that day.

"what do you want?" Kirishima flinched as he heard Katsuki grunted as he flipped the paper that he was reading on the second page.

Glancing over Mina who was standing beside him, the pinkette was also showing a worried expression, still hesitant to answer Katsuki's question.

Both of them can feel it. Katsuki was on a bad mood again. If they make a mistake now, they'll end up cleaning the whole room again if Katsuki went ahead and break things his eyes could see.

Katsuki had been working like crazy ever since he got home that day. Even if Kirishima asks about what happen, Katsuki would simply glare at him and he'll be in a bad mood the whole day.

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