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Another talk from great epic ramayanam wherein Bhagwan shri Ram stood as a witness (Saakshi) for the Moksha praapthi of a bhakth.

It was the time when sita was captured by Ravana and taken to Lanka. Raman & Lakshmanan came fetching sita towards the south side all the way in forest as informed by Jadayu. During the travel he reached Matanga munivar's aashram managed by a bhakth called sabari by now after the Mukthi of matanga munivar.

Sabari was a disciple of matanga munivar. She served Matanga munivar till the end of his life as a true devotee. In simple words it can be stated as Bhagawata kaingaryam. Serving the bhakth of bhagawan. Same kaingaryam that was performed by Shathrugnan to his brother Bharathan in ramayanam. Thats certainly a different story. Here sabari served Matanga rishi with her whole heart. 

At the end of his life Matanga munivar called her and instructed her to wait for the dharshan of Prathyaksha dharma swaroopam shri rama (Visible form of dharmam) after which she can attain Mukthi. As a disciple she obeyed his order and have been waiting for a very long time. 

She used to take fruits from the forest, wash it and keep it daily to serve dharma swaroopam. She used to check the taste of one fruit in a tree. If it was good she will take other fruits from the tree and keep it safe to serve the lord. This used to be her routine for all the years after the mukthi of her guru (aacharyan). 

The day arrived. 

She realised that her mukthi also arrived with rama.

There came Rama in search of his seetha to the ashram. Sabari recognised the Dharma swaroopam and served him. Offered him and his brother some food. She then redirected him to south side to reach Pamba river where he can connect further dots. Rama then thanked her for her offerings and told her she can now reach her final destination Mukthi.

Sabari then and there got Moksham in front of Lord's eyes when lord rama stood there as a Saakshi(witness) for that.



He didn't bless her the Mukthi there.

Its her karma, satkarma that helped her attain Perumal's thiruvadi through Moksham for which the lord himself stood there as a Saakshi.

So for people with satkarma and performing bhagawata kaingaryam with pure devotion will automatically be bestowed with Moksham for which the Bhagawan himself stands there as a Saakshi.

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