"I was just teasing, relax..." Mordecai chuckled and leaned against the girl, who did her best to hold him up. "If you drop me, I'll charge you for attempted murder" he threatened before getting hit by Tanjiro across the head. 

The 4 children slowly headed down the hallway, careful not to run into demons or dead bodies, careful not to run into any complications with injuries as well. They soon made their way out to a scary, but mostly confusing scene. The boar headed man was beating the crap out of Zenitsu, who had draped himself over Nezuko's box. Shoichi was next to a tree, sobbing. Y/n, bless his soul, was hanging from a tree with a rope around his waist and chest, squirming around and screaming at the man to stop, helplessly watching the beating. Blood was splattered on the dirt and onto Nezuko's box. 

"Pull out your sword and fight me, coward!!" The mysterious man hollered at Zenitsu, landing another kick on him. Tanjiro and the kids looked horrified, while Mordecai could never have been more furious. 

"Tanjiro..." Zenitsu mumbled weakly. "I've... I've been protecting it... because you said it was more important to you than your own life..." he continued, a choked sob interrupting him halfway through. His eyes looked glossy and he had a look that imitated a kicked puppy. The man must have been completely heartless to beat him and not feel bad. 

"You sure do talk impressive!" The man continued cackling. "You're just a coward that's afraid to pull his own blade. You and I are demon slayers! We must fight!" he slammed his foot into Zenitsu's face, making more blood splatter onto the ground and the box. 

"Hey..." Mordecai stood up, separating himself from the girl. "Hey! Hey you!" he yelled louder, as if all of his strength was replenished. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" he hollered and started limping to the man, raising his fist. 

"Mordecai!" Tanjiro called for him. "You're injured! Stop!"

It was too late. Mordecai had already slugged him in the face with full force, making him fly backwards. He didn't stop there. He stormed up to him and kicked him in the face, grabbing the mans mask. "Don't you fucking dare to touch my brother!" he screamed and hit him in the face again. 

"Hahhaha! You're brave! I like it!" the man cackled and grabbed Mordecai's uniform. "You're not strong enough for me though!" he shoved him to the ground and straddled him, slugging him in the face multiple times. The boy tried desperately to defend himself, but failed miserably as his adrenaline was wearing off. His arms dropped as he almost completely gave up. 

"Remember what gramps says!" Zenitsu yelled at his brother. 

"Hahhhaha!" The man laughed and got off of Mordecai. "I'll skewer you with the box!" He roared. 

"Dont you touch him!" Mordecai clung onto his leg, but he only go kicked off. He persistently hopped up and clung onto the mans waist. He was now bleeding from more than one place. The woulds on his arms and legs opened and his nose was spilling blood out of it. 

"STOP!" Tanjiro screamed and punched the man in the gut with absolute, brute force. Even Y/n looked shocked to the point that he stopped squirming. His sharp hearing allowed him to hear the crack of his ribs when Tanjiro's fist made contact with his chest. The man flew backwards against the tree. "Aren't you a member of the demon hunters?! Don't you know why Zenitsu won't pull out his sword?! Because it's taboo for team members to pull their swords out and bully each other! Do you really enjoy it when people are in pain?! You truly are the scum of the earth!"

The man panted heavily before laughing again. "Gehahhaha! So that's how it is. Im sorry. Lets duel with our bare hands!" he roared, catching Tanjiro off guard. 

"N-no, that's not what I meant!" Tanjiro defended himself as he hopped up. "Demon hunters are not allowed to duel! This isn't a problem that can be solved with fights!" he yelled as he dodged incoming attacks. 

Apathetic Demon slayer (KNY/Demon slayer x male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin