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Things in the original Newsies script that should have made it into the movie:

-Crutchy believing Jack's made up story that a woman gave birth to a cow

-Crutchy telling David that needing Jack is like needing air to breathe

-The whole backstory where Jack had a younger brother named Michael that escaped the refuge with him, but then fell off the wagon and got crushed underneath the wheels and he wants to go to Santa Fe because that's where he always promised to take his brother.

-Flashback-nightmares of the above situation

-Jack keeping all his Santa Fe money and a picture of his family in a hidden brick in the wall

-The refuge kids think Jack can fly when he appears to Crutchy at the refuge

-Flashbacks of baby Jack at the refuge

-Jack suggesting to David that they blow something up to spark news, because he knows a guy with dynamite

-Jack blowing Sarah off when he's waiting on the fire escape, telling her he's waiting for David

-Jack getting a hole in his pants so Sarah offers to sew them, prompting an embarrassed Jack to take his pants off in front of David and Les and then wrapping up in a blanket.

-Instead of Jack pushing David up against the alleyway in angst after he helps him escape, David helps him sneak into his house and Jack sleeps on the floor with David's pillow and Jack gazes at him asleep in his bed and thanks him for looking out for him.

-Sarah sings a solo called "What Will Become of the Boy?" as she watches Jack sneak out and run down the street. After Jack rests behind some trash cans he starts singing his Santa Fe reprise for a mash up duet.

-Sarah dressing up like David to go find Jack on the streets and take him home

-Les screaming and punching Jack after he scabs, causing someone to grab him and push him back where he gets knocked bloody and unconscious against a wagon wheel. We get angsty flashbacks of Jack losing his little brother under the wagon wheel and so Jack freaks out and carries Les back to his home where he pretends to be Esther and Mayer's son and uses his Santa Fe money to pay for a doctor because he knows they can't afford it.

-Denton unleashing rage on the Delancey Brothers down at the printing press and knocking both of them out in front of David's dad.

-Jack leaving for Santa Fe on a train and David running along the train telling Jack he wishes he could come with him

-All the newsies lining the sides of the train to send Jack off.

-Jack emerging in the darkness of the train tunnel to run back to the Jacobs.


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