Ending Two

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        "I... i think their story ends right here.." Sean tells us.
     "Here?!" Daniel asks in shock. "But.. I could.... I get it. It's not who we are.."
       "Exactly.. were not criminals.. were just kids... and we still have time to choose... what life we want to live.." Sean says. "You're my brother, and you're my significant other.. and I love you both.."
   "I.. I love you too.." Daniel cries.
   "I love you both.. so much." I cry.
   Sean pulls Daniel and I into a hug.
  "It's gonna be alright.." Sean comforts us. "Promise.."
    "Really? How do you know?" Daniel asks.
   "Because..! We're doing the right thing.. just.. try to remember what me and y/n taught you.. I mean.. ha.. only the good shit.." Sean sniffles.
     "Take good care of Mushroom for me Daniel.." I smile through my tears.
    "I will.. I swear.." Daniel cries, hugging us again.
   "I love you guys, so much. Thank you for teaching me to love someone, Sean.." I cry, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Daniel, thank you for being the little brother I always wanted.."
     I hand Mushroom to Daniel, with a leash and collar we got, and then we all step out of the car, hands up. We slowly walk towards the police.
    "ON YOUR KNEES! I SAID ON YOUR KNEES! NOW!" The officer yells.
   Sean, Daniel and I get on our stomachs with our hands where they can see them, Mushroom came to me trying to give me kisses. I will miss her.. I look into my boys eyes, tears rolling down my face as I get handcuffed and picked up by an officer, as does Sean.
    "I'm sorry about all of this. We're gonna look after your brother. That's my word." Agent Flores tells us.
  Two police cars come up to us.
  "Okay, they're ready." Agent Flores tells the police that were with us.
   "Sean! Y/n! NO!" Daniel tries to run up to us, but is stopped by Agent Flores. "COME BACK!"
    "Daniel! You're not a little wolf anymore.. never forget who you are!" Sean tells Daniel.
   "I love you so much Daniel! Take good care of Mushroom for me!" I tell him as I'm being taken to the car. "I love you Sean!"
    I watch Daniel bawl his eyes out. I couldn't help but start to cry too. I loved this kid.. and I loved my boyfriend.. I cried even more watching Mushroom jump around trying to get to me. I look forward and see Sean looking back at me before they drive off, along with my car.
Fifteen Years After The Events At the Boarder
      Daniel, Karen and I were waiting for Sean to come out of the jail. I was lucky enough to not be in the jail as long. Daniel and I went to see Sean the times we could. Mushroom was getting old, but still with us. I waited impatiently for Sean to come out of the jail. I wanted to see him free from that place, free to the outside again. Karen rubs my back as we watch the door. I seen it open, and seen my boys face again. I started to tear up. Daniel,Karen and I watch him leave the gates.
    Daniel and I start to run towards Sean, Karen shortly behind us. Sean drops his bag and pulls us into a hug. I cry looking at his face. Karen comes to us and gets into a hug. Sean looks at me and smiles, he holds my face and wipes my tears. We all went back to Karen's car.
     Sean, Daniel and I ended up back at where we met. We went walking and I could vision where we first met. I looked over to the bench I was sitting on and pointed it out to them. Sean was looking at the nature behind Daniel and I. I smile and we continue walking towards the rock we slept at the first day I met them.
    It was dark, and we were camping, talking about anything we could think of. I had my arm around Sean as we listened to Daniel. I see Sean look like he might cry, as does Daniel, and we go comfort him.
    The next morning we say our goodbyes, give hugs, and I go back with Sean. We could finally start a life together. I look back at Daniel as he waves goodbye to us, we wave back and I see him howling like we use to. I stick my head out the window and howl with him as we drive off. Sean was laughing and then held my hand as he drove, I knew I was going to marry Sean Diaz.

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