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Hermione sat alone in the library she had been avoiding pansy for days and Draco had been signing up for every extra job he could take that would keep him busy and away from Pansy's pesky mum. Hermione stared at a book she had open in front of her pondering what Pansy meant by trails. She of course thought about asking Draco but he was busy. She also asked Ron and he didn't have a clue what that meant. Hermione had seen that outcome from a mile away. She crossed her arms and frowned.

She was upset.

She was upset that pansy had just ended things with close to no explanation and leaving more questions than answers.

She was upset that she had just let it happen and left the room as if she couldn't have fought for more.

She was upset that she still cared for pansy that she couldn't stop thinking about her. That she just couldn't let her marry her best friend because her parents needed her to

"Where is Hermione Granger!?" Hermione's head shot up to see Draco panting heavily. The lady behind the counter stared at him with a scowl on her face and attempted to keep him quiet

"Bloody hell. Listen lady I'm so close to snapping at the moment so unless you wanna be one of many bodies buried in my back yard you'll tell me where granger is" Draco said angrily the lady swallowed and pointed in Hermione's direction

"Shit" Hermione whispered to herself collecting her things quickly and trying to get away from Draco. She assumed that he would be there to beat her to a pulp or yell at her

"Hermione wait!" Draco yelled sprinting towards her and tackling her to the ground

"Why are you so bloody fast!?" She groaned in pain

"I'm a quidditch player we practice hard." Draco chuckled helping Hermione up after standing himself

"I need to talk to you," he said in a whisper

"I bet you do" Hermione swallowed

"Listen granger i don't have the time lately ill run out of excuses soon and I don't want to marry pansy" Draco pushed Hermione into the seat she was previously on and sat next to her

"There's only one way to break this and its if you." Draco paused he didn't have time to get choked up but he couldn't help it

"Do you love pansy?" He asked suddenly

"I like her a lot yeah," Hermione said rolling her eyes

"That's not what I asked. Do you love her?" Draco stared at Hermione watching her carefully as she shifted uncomfortably and her cheeks turned red

"Well I mean yeah" Hermione whispered

"Yeah what?" Draco demanded

"Yes I love her okay why do you think I've been trying to figure out what this trial stuff means" Hermione whisper yelled

"She told you about the trials?" Draco perked up at the mention but then slumped down when he realized Hermione had no idea about anything

"Hermione the trials are something wealthy pure-blood families do to make sure the person who is going to marry their child is of worth. You know won't get the bloodline dirty or anything" Draco chuckled dryly

"When I took them. It close to when we were gonna start at Hogwarts. I only regret being so foolish as to think it was pansy's fault. I didn't speak to her for weeks until I caught her crying in her room and we started talking again" Draco examined Hermione who listened in silence

"What's the point of you telling me this" Hermione replied after a second

"You are selfish granger," Draco said half-joking but he analyzed Hermione the entire time

"Excuse me?" Hermione replied a bit offended at Dracos statement

"What? I'm not wrong! 'Why are you telling me this?' Really?" Draco said chuckling a bit in disbelief

"I'm telling you because you're dense. I don't care how much you know about charms or the history of Hogwarts. You need to woman up and tell me if you are willing to do anything for Pansy including these trials right now because we are out of time. You don't have to agree to anything but I need the answer. My entire relationship with Harry and pansy even with you is in jeopardy if you don't suck it up" Draco stared down at Hermione who swallowed thickly

"What did they make you do?" Hermione asked Draco scoffed at her question and shook his head

"They made me pick between my two friends. Of course, it's not all real but it feels real. I left that room believing I bad betrayed one of my best friends" Draco watched the library door

"Pick how?" Hermione asked Draco bit his lip

"When you're in there you don't have a grasp of time. You could go in for five minutes and it could feel like years. When I was in there they had my greatest fear. And I had to choose between pansy and Blaise on who I would save from my greatest fear. I picked pansy so I could pass I watched as they killed Blaise and I couldn't do anything I knew it wasn't real but I just-" Draco swallowed down the knot in his throat and turned to Hermione

"Make up your damn mind" he finally said as pansy's mother walked in angrily

"Mr. Malfoy I see you've finally obtained some free time! Well its a bit late for sitting you and pansy down for the signing of the contract so we'll do it in the wedding tomorrow" Draco swallowed thickly and nodded at the woman as she strolled out happily Draco slumped his shoulders and turned to hero

"My father will have me in custody until the wedding. Now you know tomorrow is the only day you have to get your shit together" Draco said as his eyes watered slightly Hermione stood and gave him a tight hug

"I'll make it better I promise," Hermione said petting the pale boy softy

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now