Fight the Good Fight

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"Hello, Granger!" Pansy smiled sitting next to Hermione earning a quick glare from snape

"Parkinson" Hermione nodded in response she glanced at Harry and Ron who were occupied with Draco and Blaise.

"You can call me Pansy. After all, I wanna get closer to you!" Pansy laughed leaning on Hermione

"Well, pansy. You can call me Hermione then" Hermione smiled at the other girl but kept her eyes steady

"Alrighty then let's get to work!" Hermione smiled softly and opened her book. Today was a quiet day.

"So I'm guessing you guys took well to our apologies?" pansy smirked at Hermione who blew a piece of hair out of her face

"What are you planning something?" Hermione laughed

"Maybe I am" pansy challenged they both stared at each other until a wad of paper struck Hermione on the head. Both girls jumped in surprise. Hermione arched an eyebrow and looked down at the paper she looked around to see Harry smiling at her and doing a thumbs up. She rolled her eyes and opened the paper

The sexual tension is so much to handle! You should ask her out on a date~ the boy who lived to be the best person ever

Hermione glared at Harry who shrugged and continued to bicker with Draco on who was the better quidditch player

"What's golden boy want?" Pansy asked filling out her parchment

"Hm? Oh, Harry? Nothing he's just being an idiot" Hermione blushed

"Yeah. My boys being an idiot too." Pansy sighed Hermione arched an eyebrow and looked over at Draco who was currently wrestling Harry for a piece of parchment

"You know Draco and I have been friends since we were babies," Pansy said softly Hermione looked at her a slight frown on her face

"We used to get into all this mischief. He used it laugh for the heck of it. He doesn't do that anymore. He's a true Malfoy in the eyes of his parents now. Dull and nonchalant. He's been different since he met Harry. More. Happy I suppose" pansy smiled softy and Hermione blushed.

"You have a very nice smile" Hermione mumbled more to herself

"Hm? Why thank you Hermione you've got a nice smile yourself" pansy winked and Hermione blushed so hard she felt like she was going to pass out

"Oh by the way I was wondering if you wanted to I don't know hang out? Maybe this entire being nice to each other thing could be fun" pansy winked nudging Hermione softy

"I-" Hermione began before she was cut off by a loud scratch on a chair in the floor

"Fuck off potter!" Draco yelled taking his things and stomping out of the room

"Wait Malfoy!" Harry yelled but the door to the room slammed shut. Pansy and Blaise looked at each other with worried expressions before standing up at the same time and walked towards the door

"Wait pansy!" Hermione called grabbing pansy's hand. Pansy stopped briefly and looked at Hermione who blushed so hard her face was tomato red

"Yes" pansy nodded at Hermione's response and then walked out of the room

"You are all dismissed" snape scolded as he followed the trio out Hermione collected her things and then went to Harry who was sitting at his table eyes big as his round glasses

"What happened, mate?" Ron asked sitting next to Harry

"Yes do explain harry!" Hermione scolded as Harry bit his lip

"It wasn't my fault okay!" Harry shot back

"How wasn't it your fault?" Ron asked

"Yeah Malfoy seemed pretty upset about something you did" Hermione frowned

"Look do you guys remember when I got that love letter a few days ago?" Harry choked

"Yeah it was written in green elegant ink" Hermione recalled

"Very cute" Ron nudged Harry blushed and bit his lip

"Malfoy was the one who wrote it" Harry shook the other two gasped and sighed

"What are you gonna do about it?" Hermione asked recalling her own letter

"I don't know. I don't feel that way about Malfoy" Harry sighed blushing

"Harry mate I think you should give Malfoy a chance to be friends at least you don't have to like him back you know" Ron tried

"Yeah Harry I mean friends is a good spot to be in" Hermione smiled

"You guys saw how he left, didn't you? He's revolted" Harry slammed his head onto the table and Hermione patiently pet his back

"Well if it consoles you in any shape or form I got a letter as well I wrote back and I haven't received anything back" Hermione smiled

"I wanna get a love letter!" Ron whined his friends laughed and Harry stood

"I guess I could try to understand Malfoy a bit more" Harry smiled. Hermione nodded excitedly and jumped when she remembered

"Oh, I have a hangout day with pansy!" Hermione smiled

"Pansy?" Ron and Harry mimicked stupidly

"Uh yeah we're on first names" she smiled

"I guess if you're going to be busy we better plan with the other two" Ron smiled

"You guys! Parkinson and Malfoy are fighting!" Ginny ran in excitedly

"What?" Hermione and Harry turned at the same time. All four of them ran out in a haste coming upon a crowd who were surrounding the two

"Draco this isn't a fucking joke we only have three months before it all comes crashing down and you're gonna be a dick!?" Pansy yelled

"You know what pansy you're a damn coward and you fucking know it! All you've ever done it try to find a way out without ever fucking considering how it was affecting me! You're a damn bitch and I can't wait until we are forced into a loveless marriage where I never have to speak to you again until we have to fucking forcefully reproduce a useless kid!" Draco yelled back pansy held back tears before she slapped Draco harshly. Draco jumped on her punching her hard but pansy retaliated. Soon blood and wails were filling the air before Blaise pulled pansy off of Draco. They were both crying hysterically and spitting blood into the floor

"Stop!" Blaise yelled

"As for the rest of you get the fuck out of here!" Blaise yelled and everyone dispersed except Harry, Hermione, and Ron who stood in shock

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora