Its still not a date

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"How was your date?" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively

"Shut up Harry! It wasn't a date it was a get ti know" Hermione smiled though she jumped slightly when an owl landed on the window with a letter in its beak

"Why hello there?" Hermione smiled giving it a head scratch she took the letter and thanked the bird which flew away

"Oooo! Who's it from?" Harry asked taking the letter and reading the cover

"Harry give that back!" Hermione yelped as her cheeks became rosy

"It only has tour name on it" harry pouted

"Maybe it's on the inside!" He said suddenly and turned the letter over

"Harry it's illegal to read other people's mail!" Hermione yelled taking the letter back

"We aren't in the muggle world it's not illegal here it just looked down upon" Harry smiled

"Har har!" Hermione scowled

"Get out I know you haven't done your potions homework!" Hermione said Harry flinched and sighed

"Ugh fine I'll do my homework, it's not like you'll need my help or anything" harry smiled and left. Hermione glared at how oddly suspicious Harry was acting. She shrugged it off and opened the letter

Dear, Hermione

Its been a while since I've written to you. Sorry. You probably haven't noticed actually. I saw you today I gain the courage to tell you who I am more and more. I'm not sure if I should.

Also ding ding ding!

You're correct Draco uses half of a container on his hair only! Its not his fault his parents make him use it. Also yeah I am a Slytherin and a girl so I guess I couldn't keep most of my ideas secret for as long as I thought. I should have known. You're too smart for me love.

P.S do you think Blaise zambini and Ronald Weasley make a cute couple?

Love, The Slytherin girl

Hermione smiled at the letter and re-read it just to make sure she hadn't missed a detail on who was sending her the letters

"So she is a Slytherin" Hermione smiled at her one genius

"And somehow connected to Mafloy and zambini!" Harry said Hermione jumped and looked around but didn't see anyone

"What the?" She yelped and then deflated

"Harry what the heck!" She sighed she suddenly saw Harry appear on her bed with a cocky smile on his face

"Why are you here!?" She blushed

"Well, I wanted to know who the letter was from. Also, I helped you." Harry smiled softly

"No, you didn't you pointed out the obvious!" Hermione huffed though she would never admit it she bad looked over that certain point

"Fine fine. But if this person is connected to zambini and Malfoy somehow you could always have Ron ask him" harry suggested fiddling with his wand

"Why don't you ask Malfoy" Hermione suggested smirking

"Shut up" Harry blushed laying down on the bed

"What's this hard thing in laying on?" He said after a moment

"That would be my bra," Ginny said as she walked into the room. Harry jumped with a yelp

"Gross ginny put your clothes away!" Harry lectured

"Alright mum" Ginny laughed picking it up and throwing it into her laundry pile

"Anyway as I was saying you either find out who this is or you forget about it honestly it's kinda rude to lead them on," Harry said softy

"I'm not leading them on!" Hermione said though she didn't seem entirely convinced

"Its alright mione do what you feel is best" harry smiled Hermione gave a curt nod as Harry walked out flipping off Ginny who was doing the same

"He's right ya know. Choose" ginny said packing her bag for quidditch

"Yeah. Alright," Hermione sighed plopping down onto her seat.

"I'll see you later alright?" Ginny smiled at Hermione hugging her and then walking out. Hermione reached for her quill and dipped it into the ink she hesitated before deciding she would write two letters

Dear, whoever I'm writing this to.

You seem very nice. I've been told I'm leading you on and I don't want to do that. I'm developing what I can only assume are feelings for someone else and I don't want you to feel like I betrayed you by not returning the feelings you have for me.

This will most likely be my last letter to you. You could always tell me who you are this way we can talk in person. who knows we could be very good friends and have a good laugh later on in life

P.s I do think they are rather cute together

From, Hermione

Dear, pansy

I'm sorry for scolding you I didn't mean to I was just frightened by what you'd done. It's not an excuse and I promise not to pop off at the next sign of trouble. You just had me worried is all.

I was also wondering if you still wanted to hang out anytime soon? I'm free whenever so just write to me or come talk to me!

Love, Hermione

Hermione sighed and put the envelopes away in a drawer she stood and stretched standing up and falling onto her bee fatigue arched her body. It made sense she had chased her two idiot friends down a hill because Harry saw something shiny and Ron wanted it before Harry could get it. She lay her bed and threw off a pair of panties Ginny left there and closed her eyes to sleep before she did some homework

A Letter To Stop A Marriage (A Pansmoine Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now