Meet the Team: Prodigy

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Name: Prodigy

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Name: Prodigy

Species: Cybertronian

Gender: Female/Femme

Weapons: Twin Blasters (Arcee's Design), Repair Tool (Ratchet's)

Robot Mode: Reminiscent of Chromia

Alt. Robot Mode: N/A

Vehicle Mode: Ambulance (like Ratchet)

Color Scheme: Dark Gray and White

Ranking: Medic

Affiliation: Autobots, Team Prime, Magnus's Team

Backstory: A Medic hardened by conflict, Prodigy often remarks her hate for the Decepticons and all the destruction they caused. She has a soft spot for Magnus, who saved her from the Decepticon's attack at Tyger Pax. She does her best to help repair her teammates when they are damaged in battle. She isn't one for much affection but the team knows she cares about them, just as she knows they care about her. Sometimes Comet makes fun of her for being a pessimist about the team's health. She studied her medical expertise from Ratchet himself and is able to perform some of the most complicated medical procedures. She takes on the form of an Ambulance as her chosen mode of transportation, but don't underestimate her. Get on her bad side and she packs a heavy punch.

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