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dear winter,

i'm typing this on my phone.

i'll have to write it out later.

anyways, i'm an absolute loser, who's at a party and sitting in the bathroom, trying not to cry.

why you ask?

well, let me enlighten you.

we got to the party, the three of us walked in at the same time.

we got some drinks, and look around for jonah.

we found him and hung around for a bit.

jack decided to go and dance, dragging me with him.

we danced together for what felt like hours.

i felt so light, like i was dancing on air.

i loved it.

i was about to pull him aside and ask him.

but before i could, he pulled me away from the dance floor.

he told me he was thirsty, and asked me to go get him a drink.

i nodded and walked over to the kitchen.

i pour him a drink.

i turn to go back.

i walk back towards where he was standing.

i see jack.

and corbyn.


like, full on kissing.

like, arms around his neck, hands on his waist kissing.

i turned on my heels and booked it to the bathroom, where i'm now writing a fucking letter like a loser.

fuck, i literally feel like crying for some fucking reason, like a fucking baby.

i fucking hate myself.

why'd i think i ever had a chance?


i'm gonna go and get drunk off my ass so i don't have to think about this shit.

wake me up when my life is over.

- dani

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