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❤ Min Jaehyung shown above ❤
Zeus tapped the eraser of his pencil against his bottom lip, forcing himself to focus on the lecture, but his mind wandered away from the monotonous voice. Instead, his gaze trailed to the blonde sitting in front of him, his lip between his teeth, as he scribbled onto an empty page. Nika didn't consider himself an artist by any means, but drawing was a hobby of his, for it distracted him from the beautiful boy behind him.

At every line, he made with his pencil, waltzing across the paper, fantasies of the brown eyed boy beneath him, trailing kisses across his neck, faded from his thoughts.

Nika has never lost self control, but lately, he's had the uncontrollable desire to push Zeus onto his bed, and have his way with his body. Because he feared he wouldn't be able to stop himself, he slept on the carpeted floor of Reese's room last night. The worst case scenario flooded Zeus's mind when Nika said he was sleeping in Reese's room, however, and he woke up with tear stained cheeks, from a result of crying himself to sleep. He promised Nika that it didn't bother him, but the thought of his crush spending the night in the school's playboy's room was a knife to the heart.

So, basically, he lied to the person he trusted most in this world. Fuck, the person he loved most. And that alone hurt like hell.

"Zeus Lyons!" A voice snapped him back to reality, forcing him to meet a pair of crystal blue eyes. The same eyes he was drowning in minutes before. "Were you even listening?"

"N-no," he answered truthfully, pulling his gaze away from Nika.

She sighed heavily. "What do you believe is the greatest fallout in our society?"

"Society, in general, of course," Zeus replied smoothly. "Society has fallen from grace. Society cares so much about political issues that they refuse to care about humanity. So, in my opinion, society's biggest issue is its inability to have human decency."

The classroom was embraced in the warmth of silence and his teacher's mouth fell open, baffled by his reply.

Heidi stumbled into Apollo's room, his eyes induced with alcohol, and his breath smelling of whiskey. Without saying a word, he climbed up to the top bunk, where Apollo was sleeping, and laid down beside him. "Apollo," he whispered.

Apollo's eyes snapped open and he glared at him. "What?" His voice was groggy.

"Can I sleep with you? I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see his face, with his baby blue orbs full of pain and regret. His face haunts me, Apollo, and I can't get it to fucking stop."

A soft smile resting on his lips, he opens his arms, allowing for Heidi to crawl into. Unconsciously, he drapes his arm around Apollo's waist, the scent of his pinewood cologne fresh on his neck. The scent calms his fears, putting his internal screams to rest, leaving mere echoes in their wake. Apollo was his safe haven, a familiar face to vent to, to cry on, and to feel his presence whenever his emotions consumed him. Sometimes, he'd feel as if he was drowning, and his cries for help were silenced by the wind, leaving the ocean's waves to pull him under. Apollo's reassuring words and soothing cologne were a drug that has him addicted. Heidi has had every drug imaginable at least once, and all of them are put to shame compared to Apollo.

Apollo's steady heartbeat and the faint snores from his roommate were the only sounds heard in Heidi's ears.
Soon after, Heidi drifted off to sleep, his head on Apollo's toned chest and his body caged in the warmth of his embrace. Although the pair were no more than best friends, they acted as if they were couple, with their playful demeanor and undeniable chemistry.

Reese threw his shirt over his head, leaving the dark haired boy without as much as a goodbye. He didn't give a damn about Zion and truthfully, Zion didn't care about him, either. Reese was just horny and refused to let Jaehyung help him out.

And Nika would've laughed in his fucking face. Nika barely tolerated Reese. The thought of having sex with him, even just because he was horny, was laughable. Absurd, even. Images of Jaehyung flooded through his mind anytime he slept with anyone else and he hated that. Oh damn, how he hated that. To rid the burning images, he shook his head, his dark locks falling in his face. Reese's eyes widened as he caught Trace leaving Jaehyung's dorm room. His blonde hair was disheveled, amusement glimmered in his arctic blue eyes, and his wife beater hung loosely off his arm. He ran his hand through his messy waves, laughing loudly at whatever he heard. The laugh that was returned, however, was heartbreaking.

Jaehyung's laugh was never genuine, unless he actually cared about that person. Reese heard him laugh like that once. Defeated, Reese headed to the bathroom. The white walls stained with faded blood and cigarette smoke mocked him. Permanent marker was scribbled onto the mirror, the words written smudged beyond recognition. Reese's reflection was a slap to the face.

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