Etheria Part 1: Crash Land

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It have been approximate a month since Horde Prime have defeated and peace have been restored in Etheria.

It was a beautiful night for stargazing as everyone is watching since they never scene it, the sky is still new to everyone.

Adora, also known as She-Ra is look at her friends, princesses, and their allies for a special picnic.

"Man, still can't believe it happens, no more Horde, no more war, nothing", said Adora recalling her past memories, she turned around and it was her feline girlfriend hanging upside in a tree.

"Hey Adora", said Catra then she returned to the ground, "What are you mumbling about".

"Just, recalling things, I still can't believe is all over", said Adora.

"Well, we mostly spent our entire time fight but it now all over", said Catra as she and Adora look at the beautiful night sky.

"What are you two going, the party over here!", shouted Glimmer. 

Both Adora and Catra nodded, everyone was sitting as Entrapta and Hordak are putting a stargazer telescope in a perfect position.

"So, is this really exciting?", said unsure Hordak.

"Well yes Hordak, if I'm correct, a special event will happen in the sky!", shouted Entrapta in excited.

"Are you sure I should be here", said Hordak.

"Of course, why would..... come on Hordak, it over and I'm sure everyone have forgiven you already", said Entrapta.

"Yeah... sure....", said Hordak as he try to be nice but know that he's still new about it.

"Alright everybody, go pair with your partner and watch the most beautiful thing you ever scene", said Entrapta as she hugged Hordak's arm, "I already have my partner".

"Ooooookay?", said Hordak as he blush and feel weird out as the two sat on the ground.

"Hey Glimmer, got your spot", said Bow as sat and wave to his girlfriend.

"Thank Bow, your the best", said Glimmer as she sat next to Bow.

"Hey milady, I have a very special spot for you", said Sea Hawk as he try to clean up where Mermista is sitting.

"Geez, thanks", said Mermista sarcastically but blushing then sit

"Will it be really beautiful", said Spinnerella as she and girlfriend Netossa sat at the same time.

"Maybe but your more beautiful than anything", said Netossa as she wrap her arm around her girlfriend neck.

"Soooooo first time with this special thing with sky, right", said Scorpia as Perfuma sit next to her.

"Perhaps.... maybe.... I'm unsure but I know it will be relaxing", said Perfuma as she try to act exciting.

"Hmm, I wonder what is coming, what you think", said Swift Wind to Melog but their sleeping, "I'll take that as a maybe".

"Oh boy, this is gonna be excited!", shouted Wrong Hordak as he is next to Emily who is beeping happily.

"What are they talking about", said Micah as he watches Glimmer and Bow, not his partner Frosta.

"Well, seem like I'm like to see it than you", said Frosta as Micah is focused on his daughter and her boyfriend.

"Alright everybody, it's coming!", said Entrapta as many shining object are passing next to their planet, "Shooting stars".

"Whoa!", shouted everyone as they see what is the most beautiful thing ever.

"She's right, they're beautiful", said Adora.

"Yeah, yeah they are", said Catra as she and Adora both sit down and watch the scene.

"Come on Hordak, let make a wish", said Entrapta as she lean toward Hordak.

"A wish?", said Hordak confused.

"Yeah, if you make  a wish, then it'll will come true", said Entrapta.

"Well..... I don't know... these so call shooting stars look okay but I wish something happen", said Hordak then a larger shining object.

"Ummm, I know this is new to us but is that supposed to happen", said Bow as the shining object is coming down.

The large object in the sky drop debris, followed by a stream of smoke, and smaller object are flying away like their escaping.

"That not a shooting star, that look.....", said Entrapta then the large object is coming toward everyone.

"Everyone scattered!", shouted Bow as he run away follow by everyone, Hordak snatched Entrapta bridal style and runs off.

"For the honor of Greyskull!", shouted Adora as she became She-Ra, she slowly head towards the fall the object.

The object crash to the ground as it drag itself, She-Ra run towards the object then stop it as it moves slowly now.

Everyone reappear from cover as they saw the object, it look like half of a ship.

"Oh my god, A SHIP, GIMME GIMME!", shouted Entrapta as she was excited and still carried bridal style by Hordak.

The sounds of foot steps and moaning could be heard echoing.

"Hello, is anyone there okay?!", shouted She-Ra as she see nothing but darkness.

"Oh I'm alright, but not you", said a voice with a Mexican accent then a beam of energy have been launch from the darkness.

She-Ra quickly evades the beam but it hit a tree, turning it to stone.

"Finally away from Sledge, I am now truly am free", shouted a voice as he slowly coming out of the darkness of the ship.

This guy stand 6 ft 6 in, shorter than She-Ra, most of his body is red with hints of blue, gold, and blue, a helmet with a dog, look teeth on his helmet/ face and chest, a mask-like face on his left pectoral area, long hair-like appendages on his head, arms, and knees, and wielded a long demonic sword, he look almost like a knight.

"Who are you, you're definitely not a friend", said She-Ra pointing her sword at the mystery man.

"Indeed I'm not a friend, I had destroy the Kyoryuger Galaxy, now I will destroy this planet for my amazement", said the alien then look at the ship, "Guess that no good mutt is gone, he won't be..."

"I don't think so Badussa", said a voice in the shadow, he slowly come out as he's 7 ft tall, dark blue fur with emerald eyes, quills, a long tail, resemble a skeletal werewolf, and three metal clawed on each hand.

"So you survive, Cinos The Werehog", said the one called Badussa.

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