8: Curious Minds

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Part 8:

Iliana woke up with the widest smile on her face. Nothing in this world could knock her down from cloud 9.

She happily swung her legs from the side of her bed and walked carelessly into the bathroom across the way.

She showered, changed, and slightly got ready for what was to come in about a 30 minute time frame.

She walked into the kitchen softly, hoping to be welcomed by a Baylie and taylor smiling warmly at her. But that wasn't the case.

"Baylie," taylor sighed, "let's just talk about this more."

Baylie shook her head. "What is there to talk about taylor. Ever since she showed up, you haven't been able to get Hayley out of your mind."

"First of all, she has a name. Her name is Iliana. And she is my daughter." Taylor grew furious.

Illy leaned back into the wall that separates the kitchen from the living room. Out of sight, she looked over to see a pillow and blanket set up.

Suddenly realizing that taylor slept on the couch while she was so cozy in the other bed.

It wasn't right. She thought.

"How can you be so sure." Baylie crossed her arms. "You don't even know if what she's saying is true. She might not be your daughter at all."

Illy gasped. Rapidly covering her mouth by the tears forming in her eyes.

"I just know okay Baylie." Taylor protested.

"But Hayley was such a slut. She could have just put that on you because she has no idea who the father is--"

Taylor shook his head. "You know what Baylie." Anger boiling his veins. "Don't talk about Hayley like that. She is the mother of my child."

"As am I!" She spat.

"And I am in no way arguing otherwise. But I need you to understand that Iliana is my child."

Baylie touched her stomach and inhaled deeply.

"I just don't want you to be played."

"I know." Taylor pulled her towards him.

"I can take a paternity test." Iliana stepped from her hiding spot.
Taylor and Baylie shot their head up.

"Oh illy." Baylie cleaned up the tears from her eyes. "I didn't realize you were there."

"It's Okie." She sent her a warm smile. "But I'm open to take a test."

Taylor shook his head. "I don't need proof Illy. I believe you and your mother."

She smiled. "I know Taylor. But now," she inhaled deeply. "Now, I want to know if what my mother told me was true."

Taylor nodded. "Alright." He pulled away from Baylie. "We'll take a test."

Iliana gave him a small smile.

"Don't you need like some sort of parental permission since you are underage." Baylie added.

Taylor nodded. "She's right."

Iliana inhaled. "I'll call my mother then."

Taylor's heart dropped to his stomach at those very words.

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