A little more than i bargain for.

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Taylor wrapped his arms around his beautiful, very pregnant wife.

In a matter of weeks, she will be giving birth to their first child.

A boy.

The couple, married almost for five years now, happily waited in line to pay for the baby clothes they had spent all day shopping for.

It wasn't much, but living on two teacher's salary was well enough for them to survive and be able to provide their baby with a nice comfortable life.

Baylie looked up and smiled at Taylor as she pressed her stomach using his hand.

"You feel that?" She whispered against his neck.

His eyes became watery as he nodded. "Is he kicking?"

She nodded and smiled warming up at him. "He loves it whenever you hug us." She kissed his cheek as Taylor gave her a safe, but firm squeeze.

Suddenly they were approached by a girl who looked to be around fifteen years of age.

"Excuess me? Are you Taylor York?" The small blonde teen asked. Fear and worriness in her voice.

Baylie pulled away from Taylor's embrace as a maternal instict of hers told her that something was bothering this young woman.

Taylor nodded as he observed that this girl seemed scared. Her face was as pale as ever and her eyes had dark circles under her eyes.

She looked like she has not eaten or slept in days.

"Can we help you?" Taylor asked looking at this frightened human standing right in front of him. His voice was warm and welcoming. The girl looked up at him and smiled.

"My name is Iliana." She inhaled deeply buliding enough courage. "Iliana Williams."

Williams.. a name he hasn't heard of in ages.

"My mother is Hayley Williams."

Another name he hasn't heard of in a while.

"And I believe you are my father."

Taylor felt his whole face drain of blood and the ground from underneath him begin to shake.

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