2; Finding a place to call home

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Part 2:

Baylie felt her whole body shake as she looked from Iliana to Taylor.
Iliana held so much hope in her eyes.

And Taylor looked like he was about to pass out.

“I’m sorry,” Iliana spoke up. “I shouldn’t have come here. I knew this was a mistake.”
She turned quickly on her feet and proceeded to walk away.

“No! Wait!” Taylor called out. He looked over at Baylie and she gave him a small smile.

“I’ll go pay for these. Go talk to her.” She whispered closely to his ear.

He nodded and exhaled.

“Look Iliana, I’m not sure what to say right now. This is all so over whelming.”

She nodded. “I understand. I just thought that maybe if I get to know you or at least meet you in person instead of pictures it would fill this void that I’ve always had.” She broke her gaze and stared at the floor.

“Pictures?” Taylor scratched the back of his head nervously.

“Yeah,” she semi-smiled. “Mom would always show me a picture of you whenever I would ask about my father.” She shrugged. “She said that you were her best friend and the love of her life.”

Taylor felt like his heart was beginning to break at the slight thought of Hayley loving him.

“Look Mr. York, I’m not here to complicate your life in any shape or form.” She shook her head lightly. “It is perfectly okay for you to never want to see me again. If that is what you want. I completely understand.”

Taylor shook his head rapidly. “Call me Taylor.”

“Okay, Taylor.” Iliana surely wasn’t expecting him to open up to the idea of being called dad. In fact she wasn’t sure if he even believed her at this point. But she held on to hope that he will at least accept her in his life. Even if it isn’t as a daughter.

Although nothing in this world would make her happier. Since finding Taylor and being able to run to him and hug him was all she has dreamt of. Nothing from her childhood was remotely clear. Only the dream of being daddy’s girl. Or to at least to one day come face to face with him.

And now the chance has presented itself, and she has no idea what to do anymore.

She has rehearsed what she would say to him if she ever did find him. She had it all on notes and practiced in her mirror exactly what her words would be. After many years of reading those flashcards, she has the words fully memorized.

But having him standing in front of her has officially left her with a blank mind. Nothing makes sense. Everything now seems like a horrible idea. An extremely crazy one at that.

“Iliana, have you eaten at all today?” Baylie asked carefully as she observed how shaky Iliana seemed.

She shook her head.

“When was the last time you ate?” Taylor asked. Already feeling slightly protective of her. There was something in her eyes that reminded him of Her. Something in her that resembled himself.

“About two days ago.” Iliana broke the silence.

Taylor felt his stomach drop.

Baylie slightly gasped.

“Honey,” she took Iliana’s hand. “Where are you staying at?”

Iliana dropped her gaze. Tears forming in her eyes.

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