“Ready for the jail break, Lex?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I forced my eyes away from Beau as I stood, gritting past the pain and making my first steps towards the door. Half way through my journey I felt my legs begin to buckle and then I was down. My hands grasped desperately at the ground around me as my legs twitched uncontrollably.

“God, Lex! Haven’t you been taking care of yourself at all?” Tears pricked my eyes, but I blinked passed them. Why did he have to say something like that to me? Him of all people.

“This really isn’t the time, Boss,” I said, venom dripping from every word. He was the last person I wanted to see me like this, the last person I wanted to judge me in this way. Our kind didn’t catch this kind of sickness. They didn’t get this kind of condition unless they had given up all hope on living, something generally experienced by wolves after the loss of their mate. I haven’t lost my mate though, not like Dominic. He hadn’t lost his mate the usual way our kind did, but that didn’t make his loss affect him any differently. We had all heard the pain in his call the night he had howled into the wind… the night he had made his pain known to the world. I just couldn’t understand why I was behaving this way. It was as if my body knew something I didn’t… as if it was mourning for something I couldn’t yet conceive.

“Let me-,” I shrugged out of Beau’s hold as I fought to my feet. I didn’t want him helping me… I didn’t want him supporting me in that way. In fact, I didn’t want anyone supporting me in that way. Not after- I wasn’t even going to let myself think of it.

“Just show me the way out of this hell hole,” even I could hear how strained and forced my voice sounded. I wish I was stronger.

“As you wish,” Beau brushed passed me, showing me the callousness of his ways. Normalcy had returned to all things Beau orientated. I stuffed the remaining sentiments to the back of my head as we trudged on, my weakened body struggling to keep pace with Beau’s long strides. The building was a mixture of old and new, the sickly white walls clashing with the cracks in the ceiling. It was a building that had been filled to the brim when Diegan Shadowswood was still Alpha. It pained me to say that many of the hospital beds had been filled with his hated Orphans… the ones that were still mistreated to this day it appeared. Or at least that was what I had been told when news about the darling Luna’s play thing reached my ears. Oh sweet Tabitha… some days I had hoped that stories like hers didn’t still exist in a place like this… now that the packs late Alpha was finally laid to rest.

“What are you doing out of bed? As a guest of this pack Mr. Bowen I would have assumed that you would have more courtesy than to bring a sickly woman out of her chambers at such an hour.” Dr.  Heazle said, his voice a scratchy drawl. He had patchy white hair and sunken bleak eyes that seemed almost dead, their bluish grayness holding no light.  Beau and I’s forms reflected back at us in Dr. Heazle’s old wire trimmed glasses, their outdated style, making them appear older than they actually were.

“He’s just helping me step outside for some air, Dr. Heazle,” I over-enunciated my words as I stepped in front of Beau, not liking the frail doctor in the slightest.  He reminded me of an old world war two doctors, the ones that experimented on the ‘non-Arian’ youth.

“Air isn’t a cure for the kind of illness that someone like you suffers,”

“What are you talking about, Doctor?” This time Beau pushed me aside, his body tensing as if readying itself for an attack.

“Over the last few days I have come to the conclusion about the real troubles that have been ailing Ms. Ramsey. Surely you’ve picked up on your body’s signals have you not?”

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