Elvin Rope/Escape

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At the moment at the forest, Frodo and Sam continue there journey to Mount Aris. Frodo and Sam scramble down the rocks using the Elvish rope the Sam has.

[0:09 to 2:00]

"Can you see the bottom?" Sam asked.

"No! Don't look down, Sam! Just keep going!" Frodo said to Sam as he slides down.

Sam slips and drops a box.

"Catch it! Grab it, Mr. Frodo!" Sam shouts. As Frodo catches the box, but looses his footing and slips down the side of the slope.

"Mr. Frodo!" Sam screams in panic.

Frodo land on the ground and realized it safe now.

"I think I've found the bottom." Frodo said.

Sam and Frodo survey their surroundings.

"Bogs and rope, and goodness knows what. It's not natural. None of it." Sam complains. Frodo looks at the box he is holding.

"What's in this? Frodo asked.

"Nothing.Just a bit of seasoning.I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or something." Sam said. Frodo's eyes wide.

"Roast chicken?!" Frodo laugh.

"You never know." Sam said.

"Sam. My dear Sam." Frodo laugh, as he open the box.

"It's very special, that. It's the best salt in all the Shire." Sam said

"It is special. It's a little bit of home." Frodo said as he walks towards the rope.

Frodo looks at Sam's rope

"We can't leave this here for someone to follow us down." Frodo said

"Who's gonna follow us down here, Mr. Frodo? It's a shame, really. Lady Galadriel gave me that. Real Elvish rope. Well, there's nothing for it. It's one of my knots. Won't come free in a hurry." Sam said as he pulls the rope and it comes untied easily and falls to the ground.

"Real Elvish rope." Frodo smirks.

A few minutes later. Frodo and Sam are climbing over rock. Sam and Frodo look across to Mount Aris

"Mount Aris

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"Mount Aris. The one place in Equestria we want to see any closer. And it's the one place we're trying to get to." Sam said. Sam takes off his backpack and looks in it.

"What food have we got left?" Frodo asked

"Let me see.Oh, yes. Lovely. Lembas bread. And look! More lembas bread." Sam said, as Sam gives a piece to Frodo and takes a bite of bread

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