Chapter 12: Bonding As Keefe Would Call It

Start from the beginning

"Keefe Sencen, what am I going to do with you?" She shook her head.

He guzzled his soda down in one chug, and within the next thirty seconds, all the Kraft Dinner he had was gone. 

"Why do boys eat so much?" Sophie sighed as she ate her food. After a bit, she finished and helped clean up.

They went over to the couch and plopped down as Keefe clicked around, searching for something good and interesting. "There's nothing to watch." 

"Of course there is!" She snatched the remote. "Let the pro handle this one." 

"Pro, eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows as she looked. Sophie ended up deciding on Beauty and The Beast. 

"Not this! Please!" Keefe begged. 

"If you're my friend, you'll watch it," Sophie gave him a little smile as it started.

During the movie, Keefe yelled and did all of these things, reacting to every move. And by the end of it, he seemed okay with it. "WHAT? WHY WOULD THE GIRL MARRY A BEAST?" 

"Love comes in all forms Keefe," Sophie shrugged.

"And you're a love expert?" He retorted. 

"Um, no way. Just a guess."

"Have you ever been in love, Foster?" 

"I mean." She scratched her arm. "Maybe I was. Am. I don't know."

"Yep." He looked away with red cheeks, and Sophie immediately stood and lowered the temperature.

"Shouldn't you be getting home?"

"Nah, I'm not busy tomorrow."

"We have school tomorrow," She reminded him, deadpanned.

"So?" He stuck his tongue out and made a face.

The doorbell then rang out loudly, silencing the two of them. 

Sophie hurried over and peered out of the window, shrieking as she saw Mr. Forkle. "It's the old guy again!"

Keefe rolled his eyes as he opened the door. "Hello."

She heard Mr. Forkle mumble stuff, but she couldn't make out exactly what he had said. 

"Okay, Bye!" Keefe waved childishly as he shut the door. 

"What did he want?" Sophie asked nervously as she strode up to him. 

"Oh, that old man? He said Grady and Edaline were busy and had to stay at a hotel for the night. Looks like he stalks your parents too," He shrugged as he dusted imaginary dust off of his shoulders. 

"You can go now," Sophie said as she opened the door and tried, but failed, to shove him out. 

"Why? We should hang out more!" He complained. 

"It's what—ten o'clock? Eleven?" 

"Fine." He left, and it almost seemed too easy. 

Sophie changed and brushed her teeth, making sure the doors were all locked as she climbed into bed. 



Sophie sighed as she looked at her window. Keefe was in his house, waving at her as he threw some Foxfire textbooks and pencils.

He probably didn't care about what happened with them.

She got up, shut the window, and headed to bed, ignoring the clangs as attempted to drift off into a deep sleep.

Sophie planned to sleep in a bit longer, because well, she'd heard Grady and Edaline come in earlier. And because:

"What can a little more sleep do to yourself?" She mumbled to herself out loud as she felt the coolness of the air tickle her face. 

"IT CAN SURE MAKE YOU LAZIER!" Sophie heard Keefe yell. 

She sighed as she got up and squinted from her window. The sunlight gleamed into her eyes "You're a fitness coach?" 

"Well, maybe not, but I'm close enough!" He exclaimed as he threw something into his mouth and chewed it loudly. 

"No, you aren't! YOU'RE EATING CHIPS!" 

"Okay, maybe I am, but it isn't a crime!" 

"Neither is sleeping!"

"Blah Blah Blah. Want to hang out later? We're all going to the field to play games after school. You up?"

"I guess." She crossed her arms.

Sophie shivered and rubbed her hands together, seeing no sign of her friends. A few people could be seen running around the field, playing games, and kicking soccer balls.

She rubbed her hands together and sighed as she pulled her cap down lower on her ears as the cold breeze tickled her cheeks. Sophie bit her lip and restrained herself from tugging on her itchy eyelashes. Surely they were supposed to be here by now.


Sophie yelped and turned around, only to see an awfully large group of officers running towards her. She gasped, and her first instinct was to sprint away, although her legs didn't seem to understand that.

She immediately tripped after a few steps, falling face-first onto the cold ground. Sophie turned onto her back and stifled a laugh when she realized it was only her friends.

"Ugh," Biana ripped off her fake mustache and crunkled her nose. "I told you she wouldn't fall for it! We needed flashier costumes!"

Keefe threw off his cap and shot her a look. 

"I thought we were going to hang out," Sophie groaned and let Keefe help her up.

"This seemed fun enough," Dex smiled and touched his fake mustache.

"I lent them the outfits," Alvar explained from behind Fitz. The resemblance between the three Vackers always amazed Sophie.

"Don't listen to them." Keefe slung an arm over her shoulder and looked up at the sky. "This is bonding."

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