Ch.14 Traveling

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(I'm back. Luckily I didn't catch covid :D)

Y/n and Giyuu remained silent as they went to get ready for their mission, faces heated and as red as a tomato.

The two fated slayers got all their gear on, prepared to engage in battle.

Shinobu had been waiting at the entrance to the butterfly mansion, waiting for the two to give them details on the mission.

Once they both walked out, they were immediately greeted by the insect pillar's presence.

"Good morning, Y/n-Chan!"

Shinobu smiled at Y/n, ignoring Giyuu the first few moments.

"So, Shinobu-San, are there any mission details you can give us?"

"Unfortunately, the only thing I can tell you is that there will be a moon and that I will be coming along with you to ensure there won't be any incidents."

Shinobu smiled once again.

Giyuu stood behind Y/n as they got ready to depart on their mission.

Y/n suddenly felt a pain in her chest, but ignored the feeling as the three set off on their mission together.


The first few miles were quiet as no one said a word about anything until Shinobu decided it was better to have conversation than silence.

"Y/n-Chan, How were your first two days with Tomioka-San?"

"....They were fine."

"Just fine?"

What was she supposed to say?
'Yeah we got closer but I couldn't find out anything about him because I didn't have the courage to ask him'

Y/n didn't really know how to feel about the whole situation.
I mean she liked Giyuu but still, they had only met a couple of days ago.

Y/n didn't want to hurt his feelings and she wished she knew what was going on in his head.

"I think that's enough questions, Shinobu."
Giyuu spoke up from behind Shinobu and Y/n.

"I only asked 2. Stop being so protective of her, you'll scare her away."
Shinobu slyly grinned as a joke, but when she looked over at Y/n she immediately dropped it.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Y/n-Chan"

"No it's ok. You were only joking."

Giyuu suddenly came up beside Y/n.
"Are you sure you're ok?"

Y/n gave him a tired smile before going up ahead of Shinobu and Giyuu.

"Just give her time. You two only met a couple of days ago."
Shinobu went ahead with Y/n.

Giyuu stayed back behind them, thinking of things he could do to make her feel better but then realizing that they were on a mission and those things would have to wait.


As the trio finally arrived at the site, they realized it was in a very populated area, making this demon hunt more difficult before they even began.

"Y/n-Chan why don't we split up and ask for any information regarding the moon demon?"
Shinobu looked at Giyuu and Y/n, signaling that they were going to be together.

"Good idea. Y/n, follow me."
Giyuu took the signal and lead Y/n to multiple people that could give them information.

As Shinobu was out of sight, Y/n and Giyuu were completely alone together.

As Giyuu talked with a civilian and asked for information, Y/n simply stood guard, fearing the opinion of others.

As she stood, she noticed a suspicious looking person heading her way.
She braced herself but then relaxed when she realized the person was a father and wife.

"Nothing to worry about....."

She turned around to see Giyuu still speaking with the same person.

It was then when she felt a sudden chill at her spine and tried to turn around but was stopped by a sinister voice.

"So you're the escaped experiment."

Y/n felt sweat run down her back as the voice rang in her ears.

"I've been looking for you, but it seems they found you first."

Y/n reached to draw her sword.

"Well that won't be a problem any longer."

As Y/n continued to reach for her sword, a hand suddenly reached in front of her holding a bottle of red liquid.

The hand suddenly shoves the entire bottle in Y/n's mouth, forcing her to swallow.

"After all, you simply can't kill the one who created and gave you your power."

As Y/n finished swallowing the red liquid, she felt her body go into a massive change and she felt pain everywhere on her body.

"Well until next time, my daughter."

She turned to see who the voice was but found no one as her body shrunk to the ground from all the pain.

Giyuu ran up to her as a crowd of people witnessed Y/n falling to the ground.

"Y/n! What happened!?"

The voices and noises of the crowd faded from Y/n's consciousness as her vision went black and the noise went silent.

(Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger :D)

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