Upon Deaf Ears [Ger-Z adoption one-shot]

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Hey guys! Sorry for not posting anything for a while, I've been busy with school and swim team.
For history homework one night, we had to create a short story to explain one part of a religion, I chose to do it on Christianity and how "God answers your prayers, eventually, even if you can't speak" . I made mine about a deaf boy, who had rotten luck in life.
Here you go!

-xo C

Jeremiah was deaf.

He also was unable to talk.

He had lost his hearing in a fire when he was still unable to walk, and therefore never learned how to speak. The flames from the fire had killed the nerves in his years that told his brain what he was hearing. He learned from a young age to use sign language, a white board, and how to read lips, to understand what people were saying. But that's not all. Jeremiah also lost his mother, father, and all of his belongings in the fire. All he's ever wanted is a family that loves him as much as his biological one once did. Now, at the age of 15, he sits, alone in his dark bedroom at the orphanage reading, painting, and writing song lyrics, despite his inability to sing. Many of the orphanage children classify him as "emo". As he finishes up on the last stanza of a new song, he feels the vibrations of three sets of footsteps headed to his door.

'good afternoon Jeremiah, I have a couple who would like to talk to you!' Sally, the orphanage director signs.

'All right, can we talk in here?' he signs back

'sure' she signs, with a great smile stretching across her features.

"Gerard, Lyn-z, come on in, I have someone for you to meet" he reads the words on the orphanages directors lips.

Soon, two people who look to be in their late 20s, early 30s have entered the room, both with messy, dyed, black hair, band T-shirts, black skinny jeans, and ratty converse-adorned feet. Lyn-z's hair is up in pigtails, Gerard, who has slightly more brown hair than Lyn-z, had some blonde or gold highlights in his mop of hair.

The couple give Jeremiah a sense of calmness, and made him feel oddly comfortable, unlike the other couples who had attempted to get to know him.

'Hi I'm Gerard,' the other male in the room signs

'And I'm Lyn-z!' Lyn-z signed, and threw her hands up in the air for effect.

'And we would like to adopt you' Gerard continued

'I'm all in Jeremiah!' Jeremiah signed and just like that, Jeremiah's adoption papers were signed and he was given a second chance at life.

When driving home Gerard and Jeremiah were signing as Lindsay drove.

'how do you know so much sign language?' Jeremiah asked.

Gerard stopped, taken aback by his question. Jeremiah noticed that Gerard's eyes were a bit glossy, his hands started shaking, and his, once bright, smile had faded a bit.

'My grandmother was deaf,' Gerard started, 'She was the most influential person to me, growing up. She taught me that it was alright to be who I was, that it was okay to be hurt, and that it was important for me to follow my own dreams, even if others don't approve of them, or agree with my own opinions.'

Jeremiah could see that the walls that Gerard spent many years building up were falling apart bit by bit as he allowed Jeremiah into his biggest and most important secret.

'She sounds like an amazing woman,' Jeremiah signed, 'Might I be able to meet her someday?'

Gerard sighed, and took a moment to compose himself enough to respond to Jeremiah. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he turned his head up to look at Jeremiah. 'I'm afraid you will not be able to meet her,' Gerard said, frowning a bit more. 'grandma Elena died three years ago, however you can visit her grave with me on her birthday. She was the main reason why we adopted you."

'I would love to visit her.' Jeremiah signed, 'It would mean the world to me.'

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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