The King and the Princess

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The snowstorm cleared up overnight. In the morning, they found that the snow was powdery and light. It made an easy path for the horses to continue on. It was almost magical to watch out of the window, the horses' hooves turned the snow into clouds as the carriage raced on its way back to the castle.

Alina would have known they were in the final hours of their trip even if Felix hadn't informed her. The king's men sat taller on their steads and even Felix straightened himself up, as though the king could see the miles that stretched before them and the city.

When the palace came into view, the stark contrasts between it and Christian's were like night and day. Where Christian's castle was dark, this was bright. White brick with an admiral colored roof and lined with windows and turrets. It was an impressive sight to behold, that was for certain. Alina was sure she would have been awestruck under normal circumstances. Perhaps if she hadn't been living in an enchanted castle for the last few months.

"Someone will lead you to your quarters for rest," Felix offered as they pulled through the iron gates of the castle. "I doubt the king will see you this evening. You deserve to rest and freshen up after the journey."

Alina would prefer to just meet King Belmont and get it over with, given the choice. Perhaps receive a ration of food and a good horse to make her way back. Or at least enough personal space to use her ring and have it magically whisk her back to the castle grounds.

If she used her ring, she would be back in a matter of moments. Hope shot through her. With her ring, she could make it back in time for the full moon. "There isn't any way to see him today?"

"He is King, Milady. I imagine he is busy."

"Of course. What was I thinking?" She sighed and laid her head back in frustration.

Felix smiled at her and patted her knee. "I'll inquire and see if he will see you first thing tomorrow."

"Thank you, Lord Felix."

A footman opened the door of the carriage and stairs appeared from below. Felix stood and exited first before offering his hand to Alina to help her down, which she accepted. Over the course of their carriage ride together they became amiable, at least.

"Lady Alina, this is Lady Ella. She will be your Lady-in-Waiting for the duration of your stay here and will show you to your quarters."

"Lady-in-Waiting?" Alina questioned. However, Felix just bowed and made his way into the palace.

Ella curtsied and offered Alina a smile.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Milady. This way." Ella motioned towards the palace and bid Alina follow.

The beauty of Ella intimidated Alina, even after having grown up with her fair sisters. Ella's skin was a sepia, reddish-brown that provided a striking contrast to the winter wonderland around them. Her dark hair shone like obsidian compared to Alina's dull, chestnut brown.

"Are you coming, Milady?" Ella called out behind her.

Alina rushed to catch up before they both entered the palace together. The opulence struck Alina. The entry was open and... almost glittery. It was a stark comparison to what she was accustomed to. It seemed too open, too bright to be homey and comfortable.

"Why do I have a Lady-in-Waiting?" Alina demanded as they marched through the hallways.

"For companionship, I would imagine. I'll show you how to navigate court life here and introduce you to the other ladies. My father may not be a duke but being the daughter of a baron is well enough for me to be your Lady-in-Waiting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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