St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

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Y/n Sat in the waiting room of St mungo's waiting for one of the healers to come out and tell his family that Brandon was going to be alright. On y/n right, sat Maya sobbing into her Yule Ball dress, on the left y/n's mother, Chasity Rosier, a slim witch with h/c hair and e/c eyes matching her three sons, each a little different from the other. Y/n the youngest of them but the tallest and Skinniest, then Brandon who currently lay in a hospital bed, was the middle son, you could also say he was in the middle in height and weight, then came Aaron the eldest, who sat the other side of his mother, he was the shortest of them, not saying he was short probably average height for a 19 year old, he definitely was the beefiest since he played a lot of what muggles call rugby. At first glance Aaron might seem like an Intimidating guy, but he's a real softy.

After about 20 minutes of waiting, a healer came out of Brandon's room, "Ms Rosier, I have some bad and good and good news. The good news is that we seem to have found the reason for your son collapsing, it seems that Brandon has been cursed by very strong magic," Aaron stood up "I'm sorry what, in less than 20 minutes you've found the problem when we spent months of healers telling use that the had no clue want was wrong with him." Aaron was getting angry. "Mr Rosier if you'd let me finish" Aaron sat down "the curse that made him collapse isn't the same thing as what your talking about." Said the healer. "Okay, so what's the bad news?" Chasity asked. "Well, it seems that the curse is killing him extremely fast since he's has the extra illness, so even if we do cure him there's still a possibility that he could die, we will try everything we can but it's not looking to good, I'm afraid." Y/n's mother burst into tears. "Can we see him?" Y/n asked the healer nodded.

They all gathered round an unconscious Brandon who was whiter than a ghost. Hours had gone by with out a single word shared between the group, there was a knock on the door and professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Barty Crouch walked in, "Ah Dumbledore good to see you" y/n mother said while giving him a hand shake " Chas, I'm extremely sorry that this happened, if there's anything we can do to help just ask." Chas smile for the first time in hours, Dumbledore had been her favourite professor while at hogwarts, she like y/n was a slytherin and had previously dated Lucius Malfoy in her 4th year which creeped both Draco and Y/n out.

Mr crouch coughed a little to get there attention " as I am extremely sorry we must thing about Mr Rosiers future in the Tournament" "well the healers said that he won't be able to continue" chas said. Mr crouch continued "well then we have three options, all the content have agreed to all these. One being that it ends here and they all split the prize, two that Brandon gets his quarter of the prize and the others continue for the rest of the money and third, Mr Diggory has Volunteered to continue in Mr rosiers place to try and win the money for him." "No!" Said y/n "I beg you pardon?" "I said no none of those, instead of Cedric I want to Compete it's only fair a Rosier for a Rosier." " unfortunately we can't do that you are underage" "Harry potters underage and you let him, I'm almost a whole year older I was born on 30th of September 1979 and he was 31st July 1980, please Brandon would want me to." Y/n begged. It took a long time to persuade Mr Crouch and the Professors but in the end they agreed to let him Compete.

Once y/n got back to school everyone was completely different to him, people he had never met we giving him pats on the back, hugs and saying things like "stay strong" which just made him cringe. Even the golden trio were treating him different, in the halls when the passed the wouldn't say anything just a quick smile here and there. Y/n Evan started to go to the library, he liked the piece and quite and the Gryffindor who came in every break. What he didn't like was that when she came in so did Viktor Krum, all he did was Stare at her while she read, it was kind of creepy, y/n use to be a fan alone with Malfoy but now he hated him.

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