The Yule Ball

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After the first task everyone seemed the become even more excited for the next one, which was months away. after a announcement in potions, Professor Snape had made the Slytherin students even more nervous about the next few weeks. "As you all have been told on December the 25th there will be a ball held for the champions, I expect you all the be on your best behaviour and bring pride to the house of Salazar Slytherin." Snape said "you all have brought dress robes and gowns, I presume. I expect them to be immaculate, you will be expected to bring a date, now hurry along and get to your next class." A date to a ball, it shouldn't be that hard to find a nice Slytherin girl that would want to date y/n.

Day after day more and more girls were getting asked and y/n would run out of people to ask if he didn't asked someone soon. It was so hard because y/n couldn't take his mind off of a certain Gryffindor, Hermione granger. Y/n knew he couldn't take the girl he wanted and anyway he had heard that someone had already asked her. As he walked into the Slytherin common room he spotted Daphne Greengrass a 4th year Slytherins girl, he knew Theodore had a thing for her but he had to take a Chance. He Confidently walked over and stood in front of her. "Hay Daphne, I was wondering if you had a date to the Yule Ball?" Greengrass looked up from the book she was reading with a giant smile plastered on her face. "I was hoping you would ask me, I had to turn down six boys, I was about to give up," she said "yes, I would love to go with you"
"Cool" was the only word y/n said as he walked away.

That night at dinner everyone was talking about the ball. "y/n who have you asked?" Asked Draco, blaise and Theo turned  to look at you "oh, Daphne Greengrass." Theodores face dropped " what's wrong Theo" asked y/n "oh nothing, I just asked her yesterday and she said no" y/n felt really guilty "but obviously you had already ask her." Y/n wanted to tell him the truth but decided not to since it would probably hurt even more.

Later that day y/n decided to catch up with his brother. "You found out what that egg is all about?" Y/n asked Brandon. "No it just makes a high pitched screeming noice when you open it, anyway Maya and I have been practicing for the Yule Ball, she doesn't want to make a fool of herself." Maya was Brandon's girlfriend, she was in the same year as Brandon and was a Hufflepuff, they'd started dating in the 3rd year and were probably going to get married one day. Y/n didn't know if he was that keen on her she seemed a bit bossy, but Brandon loved her so y/n kept his opinion on her to himself.

On the night of the Yule ball all the Slytherin boys got dressed into there Dress robes, y/n combed his h/c to make it look smart, dusted off some fluff from his robes and headed to meet his date. Y/n robes were all black with an Emerald green tie, his mother said that all black Suited his e/c eyes. As he entered the common room he spotted Daphne, she was wearing an emerald green dress that matched y/n's tie. "What a coincidence that your dress matches my tie." Said y/n "not really I asked Theodore what colour your dress robes were so we could match," y/n seemed a bit Off put, he wasn't to keen on matching robes, and the fact that she had asked Theo, of all people. "I then enchanted the dress to change, it use to be a dark red, kind of like burgundy."

The Slytherins all gathered down buy the stairs outside the great hall, ready to go in. Draco's date was Pansy Parkinson which wasn't a surprise to y/n, Blaise had asked a 5th year Slytherin girl y/n had never heard of and he got the impression that Blaise wasn't to keen on his date from the sour look he gave her, what surprised y/n was that Theo had brought a date, Tracy Davis a 4th year slytherin, everyone knew that Theodore Nott was classed as the weakling of the Slytherin boys which y/n didn't agree with, so he was happy for Theo. What confused y/n was that Crabbe and Goyle seemed to share a date, Millicent Bulstrode since she stood in the middle of them. From afar you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the three, if Of course millicent had short hair.

Every one moved into the great hall and gathered round in a circle so that there was room for the champions to dance. Professor Flitwick and the Orchestra started to play as the champions and there partners came in, first was fleur Delacour and her partner Roger Davies, then Brandon and Maya, then to y/n Shock viktor Krum and Hermione Granger, Hermione was wearing a Periwinkle blue dress with her Bushy hair now in a sleek, twisted knot at the back of her head. Last was Harry Potter with one of the Patil twins, possibly Parvati.

Y/n watched as the waltzed around the dance floor, now and again the boys lifting then into the air, which seemed to be a struggle for Harry. Y/n couldn't take his eyes off of Granger which seemed to have caught Daphne's eye. "Care to dance?" She asked him "I think I'm Supposed to to ask you that." He said with a smirk "well, we'll your to busy staring at the mudblood" that word made shivers go down his neck, he didn't like it when people said it. "I don't know what your on about, I was watching my brother, Brandon" Daphne wasn't convinced.

Within a few minutes y/n and Daphne were left alone since everyone had gone to dance, there was tension between then from Earlier y/n. "Do you want to dance, then?" He asked not so Politely, she gave a shrug and they moved to dance with there friends. Everyone was enjoying there selves, even after what happened, everything was perfect people were laughing and having fun until a scream echoed through the hall, a screen that would haunt y/n. Y/n hear a familiar voice it was Maya "Brandon! Brandon, someone help! Y/n ran towards where his brother had been dancing, there he was lying on the floor unconscious with Maya crouched over him.

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