The Lies

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Louis arrives at Simon's mansion 15 minutes later. He can feels something not right is happening. He knocks the door a few times before its open.

"Oh my! Looks who's here!" he was greeted by, of course, Briana, who is squealing happily when she saw Louis at the doorstep.

"Are you here to see me? To say sorry to me?" she asked excitedly, jumping in her place with flirty looks and adjusting her wavy blonde hair.

"No, I'm looking for Harry. Is he in here?" Louis answered casually, he keeps his eyes into the house to see if Harry is there, and he didn't notice the changes in Briana's face.

"Why do you want to see him? He's not here," she said coldly and crosses her arms.

"Look, Briana, I'm so sorry for everything that happened, but we can't get married if we are not loving each other,"

"So we can getting know each other, Louis. Its easy right? I'm sure that you will fall in love with me after you know me in person," Briana giggled in slutty way. Who ever will fall in love with a girl like you?

"I'm sorry Briana. I already made it clear that I love your brother," Louis' words really make the girl furious and she can't believe that she got rejected again just like that.

"He is not my brother!" she yelled, and stomping her feet away from the door, leaving Louis alone there. Louis take a deep breath and he feels stress because he hasn't see Harry yet.

"What is going on here?" a hoarse voice is heard and Simon suddenly appears from the back of the door.

"Mr Cowell. I'm here to see Harry,"

"Harry? Well he's not here,"

"That's impossible, because while ago he went home to get some of his stuffs,"
Louis denied and he feels like he wants to punch this old man's face. But he needs a reason to do that.

Simon take a deep breath, "I want to tell you something, Louis," he pretends to look sad, "Actually, he's gone,"

"What? What do you mean that Harry is gone?" Louis almost raised his voice, anxiety begins to occupied his body.

"Calm down, Louis," Simon pats Louis' shoulder before continues, "He left the house,"

"What? But why?"

"He said that you're too good for him. And he can't accept you in his life. So his left, with a man,"

"A man? Who? What's going on here?"

"Harry actually already had a man in his life. And the feelings that he showed to you are all lies. He never loved you. He just wanna be with you because of money. He wants to take all your money," Simon said with a dejected face, at least he tried to, but turns out he's making an ugly face.

"No, that can't be. I know Harry. He is not that kind of people,"

"Oh really? Then what kind of people do you think he is? How far do you think you know him? You know what he did? He stole my money and ran away with that man, that ungrateful kid!"

Louis' mouth wide open. He frowns and he can't believe what he has been heard.

"But he left a message, for you," Simon said in a fake sadness.

"What message?"

"He wants you to marry Briana,"


"Yes. He said, if you want to be happy, just marry his sister, the one who deserve you," Simon comes closer to Louis and holds Louis' shoulders.

"Louis, my boy, you see, it's time for you to move on and forget about Harry okay?" and he continues,

"Plus, he's not worth it. But, one thing that I agreed with him, that you should marry Briana,"

Louis takes a deep breath because this is really make him shocked. And the most surprising thing is, how fluent Simon made up this story. He knows Harry. He will never do something like that.

"I need time to think about this,"

"Come on Louis. What else that you need to think? Briana is way better than Harry. Do you still love that boy after what he did?"

Louis turns around and keeps walking away from the house because all Simon's words only added flames to his furious soul. He walks to his car, for few more steps, then he stops, taking a deep breath.

"Are you saying the truth Mr Cowell?" he asked, but not looking back to Simon.

"Why would I lie to you Louis?"

"Because if what you were saying are not true, I will not hesitate to make you feel sorry and regret for the rest of your life. Not only you, but also your daughters," Louis exhales and he continues to walk to his car, leaving Simon in curiosity.

He slips into his car and slams the door hard. He pulls his hair and smashes his head on the steering wheel. He's not mad at Harry at all, instead, he mad at himself. He feels so useless.

He knows that everything that Simon said are not true. He knows his Harry. He is not that person that simply break his promise, and he knows his Harry loves him, truly and deeply, and he knows that Harry is actually is still in the house.

And the Cowells, they're willing to do anything to get what they want. Louis must do something to help his boyfriend, his poor Harry.

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