"I was under a fucking spell Sophia!" I lost my cool and shouted. I regretted it immediately but she didn't seem to care.

"You could have told the truth that we were mates but you loved Victoria. But you didn't and that decision of yours ruined my life. I lost everything, I became an outcast and had to live a cave. I was alone and pregnant, my daughter died because I didn't have access to medical care. My son had to call a cave home and eat nothing but raw meat and wild berries because I couldn't find a job. Now you want to be my mate."She was crying at end and my heart broke.

" I was under a spell but that is no excuse why I didn't tell the truth. I was a cowered and I hurt you so much. I'm sorry my mate, because of me our baby girl died and I lost two years of my son's life. It was all my fault don't ever blame yourself baby. Sophia please, I'm begging you, let me take care of you and our son." I was on my knees in front of her in tears.

"I can't change the past but I'm begging for a chance to make our future better. Our son needs us both. I will do everything in my power to make you and Azure happy. Both of you are my life, let me be there please." She stared in my eyes for a long time searching for something but I knew she would find nothing but honesty. She wiped my tears and helped me up.

"You are right Azure needs both his parents, about us I just don't know it still hurts so much," she said. I understood that her wounds were still raw and she will need time to heal. I would be there for her during that time.

"I understand, but can we at least be friends for our son's sake." I was standing close to her, our eyes never leaving each other. She nodded her head in agreement. Our bond was getting stronger and it took everything in me not to take her in my arms and just hug her. I knew I needed a hug.

"You stop calling me Luna," she said and took a step back.

"If you stop calling me Alpha," I said. She didn't answer and we went back to Azure's room. He was asleep, his mom put a blanket over him since he was naked.

"So why don't you start shopping while I fix lunch for you." I handed her the tablet.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not hungry."

"That's all right, I will make it anyway," I said and went to the kitchen. When I got back with sandwiches, cookies and sodas, she had a smile while  buying clothes for our son. That was how I spent one of the best afternoons of my life, with my family.

After our talk Sophia was a bit comfortable being in the apartment with me. When Azure woke up, she left with him so he could shift and nurse. I wanted to go with them but she stopped me and asked if I didn't have alpha duties. I tried telling her that I didn't since I asked my dad to help me for some time. She gave me a warning look which was why I went to my office. I just walked in and my parents were kissing. They were still in love and I wanted to have love like theirs with my mate.

"Look who decided to come to work," dad said and mom smacked him on the arm.

"What's with the long face Blaze? Is something wrong?" mom asked. I couldn't help the tears as I thought about everything. I hurt my mate so much, I doubted she would truly forgive me.

"I'm the worst mate and father ever. She is broken mom and it's all my fault. Do you know today was the first time my son ate cooked food, his first time taking a warm bath. I failed not only as a mate but as a father also. I don't know what to do." My mom had me in tight hug and I felt better.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. If I didn't make rush decisions things would be different right now but we can't live in the past. You need to forgive yourself so you can be at your best for Sophia and your pup," mom said. I didn't blame her for anything because she believed me.

"Your mom is right, you need to focus on your future and give your family the best life," dad said. "How is my grandson? What's his name?"

"He is amazing dad, you should see him, it's like looking at myself. We just ordered a bunch of stuff for him." I had a shit eating grin on my face.

"I'm glad you kept the Jones man family tradition," dad said happily and patting my back.

"What tradition?" I asked.

"That our genes are superior and all the Jones Alphas will look alike." It was true, all the past Alphas looked like us and my son too. I knew it was nothing to be proud of but I couldn't help myself.

"Superior genes huh," mom huffed. "What's his name and when can we meet him?" mom asked happily.

"His name is Azure about meeting him it's up to Sophia." Mom's face fell, I felt bad but I could never ask Sophia to do something she didn't want to do.

"Mom can you help me design Azure's room and surprise Sophia, maybe it will be easier to convince her to move in with me." Mom squealed and jumped up and down clapping her hands.

"I feel sorry for Azure, having a crazy grandma. Don't go screaming like that in front of my grandson, you'll scare the boy to de...." Mom cut dad off.

"You are fond of blue balls aren't you, my mate," mom smirked. Dad looked he saw a ghost.

"Guys gross, I'm still here. Anyway you will have to move out if you don't mind." I was waiting for mom to blow up but she surprised me.

"Of course we will move out, we were suppose to go two years ago. We will start moving tomorrow okay. I can't wait to meet Azure."

They went to start dinner while I went to my mate and son for dinner.


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