Chapter 13

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Finally my family was under one roof. Don't get me wrong I was happy but going to bed every night alone was pure torture when my mate slept in a room next door. I just wanted her in my arms. It took everything in me not to kiss her every time she ran her tongue over her lips. I cought her sometimes staring at me with adoration. It felt great knowing that she was healing and giving me a chance.

Sophia slept in the master bedroom while I stayed in my old room. She seemed happy but she preferred being by herself. The only time she left the apartment was to shift and let Azure nurse. I didn't blame her it was going to take time for her to trust the pack again.

My son was thriving, he adapted quickly to new things and he was curious. He was not comfortable around people, he preferred being in wolf form to meet pack members. He loved watching Loin King, whenever the TV was on he expected to see Simba and if it was not he cried. It was hard for me to say no to Azure, I always gave in and Sophia thought he was spoiled.

It had been about two weeks since my mate and son moved in with me and I felt at peace. My days were stressful because of those damn rouges, I still had no idea what they wanted and they were increasing in numbers. I trained the pack harder, made boarder patrol tight and no pack member was to go into the woods on their own. I tried my best to reassure my pack but they were still afraid and it was understandable.

My strength was family, I would be having a shitiest day but when I thought about them a smile always came to my face. Sophia was a great cook so she prepared all our meals. I loved seeing her in the kitchen with a happy smile. My mate was beautiful, sexy and I was in love with her. I needed her so bad, I wanted to mark her as mine as my luna. Her guards were slowly coming down and there was no hate for me in her eyes anymore.

I made sure that we ate all our meals as a family. I think Sophia secretly liked spending time with me, her face would light up every time I walked in to eat. That is why it killed me when I had too much to do and miss a meal with them.

Today was one of those days I missed lunch because of paper work not that I was concentrating which was taking longer. I was missing Sophia so bad. There was a knock at my office door and my mate's  scent hit me, I quickly went to open the door. There she was standing there holding a tray looking sexy as hell. Her eyes were a beautiful light brown, I ran my eyes all over her face and settled on her lips.

I saw her swallow nervously and wetting her lips. I knew she had the same thoughts as mine so I leaned in, she didn't move her head. As I got closer her lips parted, I could hear her heart beating wildly. I could practically taste her breath when a warrior decided to come to my office. I growled at him. Sophia took that moment of distraction to take a step back and regained her senses.

Who ever that was, he was a dead man walking. I was about to have my first kiss with my mate and that fucker ruined it. Shit I needed to control Zion because he wanted the fucker's head.

"Alpha you said to report to you as soon as I got back." Before I could answer him Sophia spoke.

"Oh my, Dale, is that you?" Sophia asked with a smile. That smile was too big for my liking and that fucker smiled back.

"So it's true you're back Luna." I had no idea if that guy had a death wish or not but he was still smiling brightly at my mate. He finally turned to me the look on my face told him to fuck off.

"I will come back later Alpha," Dale said as he walked away. Sophia was amused by my anger and I didn't care.
She walked into my office with me behind her and I closed the door. She looked around nothing had changed.

"You didn't come for lunch so here it is." She kept her eyes down and went on. "I was hoping to eat with you if you don't Mind. I will wait if your busy." I knew she brought lunch for me but I had no idea she wanted to eat with me. My heart overflowed with love and I just acted.

I took my mate in my arms and I felt her body tense, I didn't care it was amazing. I pulled her close to me, her body was soft and her breast we firm against me. After she got over her shock, her body relaxed and she hugged me back. She released a long breath and pulled me even closer to her. I was in heaven, I didn't need anything. I guess Sophia's tummy had other ideas because it growled loudly.

I didn't want to let her go but she was hungry.

"I guess we should feed that monster before it eats me." She left my arms and glared at me. I just laughed, she shook her head and took the tray from the desk to the couch.

I joined her and we started eating, she made lots of sandwiches. They were delicious, I did say my mate was the best when it came to food. She also made brownies, they were my favourite and they became Azure's too. She also brought water bottles.

"Where's the little guy?" I asked.

"He is napping, I have this with me so I will know when he is awake," she said showing me the baby monitor.

"This is delicious baby and thank you for coming. That paperwork was kicking my ass." My mate laughed and her eyes shined with joy. I guess I was staring for too long because she asked.


"Your smile is beautiful, baby."

"Oh, thanks," she said.

"You're welcome, my luna." I wanted to see her reaction, she closed her eyes when they opened she tried to keep a poker face but failed miserably.

"Blaze come on, we talked about this luna thing."

"That fucker called you Luna but I'm not supposed to."

"Oh my, what are talking about Alpha? She asked with a smile. She was so relaxed and enjoying her time with me.

"What were you and Azure up to before lunch?"

"Not much, we watched The Lion King like five times. You know, I tried to make him watch Shrek today and he didn't even give it a chance." She huffed and went on. "He kept chanting Simba."

"What did you expect? You showed him a girly movie. My son hates princess's stuff."

"Shrek is not girly besides the only thing he watches is Simba." She was right my little man loved The Lion King and nothing else. I saw no problem at all and I didn't mind watching it with him all the time.

"You need to introduce him to another movie with no music. I know, make him watch How to train your dragon, it's not girly."

"Okay I will try," I said.

"Seriously or you're just saying that so I can shut up."

"Oh I'm serious my Luna."

"Blaze," she said and hit my arm playfully.

There was a knock on the door and I knew our peaceful time was over because it was Caleb knocking.


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