"I already said I was sorry Mai," he apologized. "It was all the fire punch. I had that night. I just got my words messed up," he spoke sincerely.

"For some reason I find that hard to believe." There was no edge to her tone, as per usual no emotion. She closed her eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath.

"I already told you! It was an accident!" Zuko said sounding more agitated.

"I know." Was all she said. Her tone remaining as ominous as ever.

"Know what?" He asked taken aback honestly perplexed at her comment.

Mai didn't say another word and turned away retreating to her home.

"Mai," He pleaded.

"I know you're in love with her," she said painfully. It was the first time Zuko saw an honest glimpse of pain reflected in her dark eyes. "Things have not been the same since you returned from your banishment. I know it. I can feel it. And I will not be a part of this. Tsai spoke to me already and I understand everything now."

"What?" His eyes went wide. "What- what did she say?"

"She basically told me her whole life story and gave me a lame speech about supporting each other." She ran a hand through her hair. Yeah that sounded a lot like her. "I can see why you like her."

She was quiet, and he had no words for her.

"This time we are done for good," Mai said lowering her eyes and mumbled a goodbye before shutting the door on him.


Tsai found herself looking for an eight-leaf clover in the royal palace's garden. One which was beautiful and composed the heart of the Fire Nation's family palace. It had a nearby turtle-duck pond and ancient trees that bloomed beautifully.

She was currently kneeling on the grass with her nose pressed against it when a pair of shoes came into her vision. She looked up and saw Zuko standing before her with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing his royal robes and had his hair done up wearing a regal crown holding his short hair up. He finally looked like the perfect prince he had always wanted to be.

"What are you doing?" He asked with an arched eyebrow.

She was sick of fighting and as much as she hated to admit it Ember Island had really helped in getting rid of all of that pent-up tension and anger the two had been carrying.

"Your sister has me looking for an eight-leaf clover," she rolled her eyes. Zuko let out what sounded like a humorous huff.

"You'll never find it."
"Nothing is impossible," she said optimistically and leaned back on her hands looking up to meet his gaze.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the war meeting?" She asked.
He slightly jerked in surprise "War meeting? What are you talking about?"

"Oh?" She brushed her hair out of her face a habit she had now formed. "Azula's at a war meeting. It's supposed to take all day long, which is why she has me here... doing this... I assumed you'd be there we well you know preparing for the day of the black sun."

"I guess I wasn't invited," he muttered bitterly and looked off to the side his jaw clenching slightly.

"Where did you say my sister was?"


Zuko clenched his jaw as he stalked into the Royal spa, where Azula was getting her hair done.

"Hello, Zuzu." Azula cooed without opening her eyes as two servant girls combed her hair in the water, "If you've come for a royal hair-combing, I'm afraid you'll have to wait."

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