And Not the Untamed World we Hide

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None of the Losers were laughing now. They were all dead silent, watching in shock.

Except Eddie, who rushed to Richie's side and helped him stand up, clinging to his arm. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Richie thought they should probably try and get the drop on this beast while it was busy killing the other Them, but he was far too shocked to think beyond that.

Finally, there was nothing left for the Them to tear apart; all the pieces had fallen to dust.

It turned slowly, its maw hanging open and its teeth stained red. It looked Richie right in the eyes, and Richie felt his blood run cold.

Until the Them just sat down and wagged its tail, staring at them. Its eyes had looked so evil and bloodthirsty just seconds ago, but they were wide and curious now. Its ears straight up now rather than pinned back. It looked like nothing more than a giant, stupid dog.

"Is it... gonna attack us?" Eddie asked after a moment.

"Uh, I don't think so." Richie said, shrugging. "Maybe it's friendly, too."

"Please, we just watched it rip apart another Them!" Stan hissed.

"So?!" Richie defended. "It was protecting me! Your freaking bird has done more damage to me than this dog has."

"It's not a dog," Ben reminded. "It's a monster."

"A monster dog, whatever," Richie muttered, taking a step forward.

Eddie clung tighter to Richie's arm, yanking him back. "Are you crazy?!" he demanded. "What if it kills you!?"

"It'll be fine, Eds," Richie said dismissively, glancing back at Mike and Bill. "Is it gonna kill me?"

"I don't think so, actually." Mike admitted.

Stan groaned, which Richie found ironic, considering Stan had just had this exact instance with Shiny barely a week ago. Richie rolled his eyes and took a few steps forward, and Eddie thankfully let him go this time. "Hey there." he said, holding out his hand.

Richie had expected it to approach slowly and sniff his hand like he'd seen in movies, but the monster just walked right over to him with no hesitation, rubbing against Richie's hand. "Awe," Richie whined, his heart immediately melting. "It's friendly! We're keeping it."

"We're gonna keep another one!?" Ben asked in shock.

"Yeah, don't you think a giant dog is a bit much?" Stan asked, crossing his arms.

"Shut up, Stan, you have a big ass bird so your opinion isn't valid." Richie snapped, crouching down and eagerly petting his new friend. "Besides, my monster is useful. It fights on my behalf."

"So does mine," Stan muttered under his breath, but at least he stopped complaining.

"So we're ta-taking it home, then?" Bill asked excitedly, once again very eager about their new "pet".

Richie beamed, scratching the dogs ear. "Wanna come home with us?" he asked, laughing when the dog nuzzled against his face. "Okay, okay!" he grinned, grabbing its face. "Good... girl?" the dog stared back at him blankly. "Good boy?" That time, Richie got licked in the face--he'd take that as a yes.

He was actually quite pretty; his colors were nothing like a real dogs--made up of soft purples, but that in itself was awe-inspiring enough. His fur was much softer and sleeker than most dogs, and those big purple eyes were constantly full of love and warmth.

"So what're you gonna call him?" Eddie asked, finally wandering over. He hesitantly pat the dog's head, earning a tail wag.

"Freddie." Richie said without hesitation. He had always wanted a dog, and had that name picked out from the very beginning.

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