
She looked up surprise for a second before her face brightened and she stood up, walking around the table to bring me into a warm hug.

"Hi, baby. How are you?"

"I'm fine." I said into her neck and she pulled back.

"You look tired." She said wiping his thumbs across my cheeks and I shook my head, grasping her hands in front of my chest. I could tell she was trying to gently approach the conversation but to be honest that was the thing I was dreading. How was I suppose to talk about how I killed my ex-fiance?

"I'm fine, no need to worry. How are you?" I said, pulling her chair back. She looked at me gratefully and sat down.

"I'm good, but worried for you. You've been under so much stress." She looked at me with the truth of her words.

I nodded, pulling out the order menu. "Yeah, I just...I'm sorry mom but I don't want to talk about what happened with Caroline. I came here to tell you something else."

She seemed taken back for a second before her eyebrows furrowed. "If that's what you want, Jason. I just thought you needed some help with everything that's been-"

"Mom." I said, snapping her out of her speech. "I Love you but I don't want to talk about, don't even want to be reminded of it. What's done was done because she threatened my family. I don't regret what I did."

She was silent for a second as she gazed at me. I was surprised when I saw the corners of her lips lift up in a smile. "That's good," She stated, and then grab her many as she saw a waiter coming over to our side. "I always told you not to regret anything but learn from it and I'm happy you're taken my advice because your actions saved your family and I'm honestly proud of you." She said just in time for the waiter to come.

I stared at her for a moment, astonished at her words but had no choice but to look up and order. 

After I placed our meals, my gaze turned back to hers. "Well I came here today because I wanted to..warn you about something that I'll have no choice but to do."

Her brows knotted. "Warn me? What is it?"

I cleared my throat. and exhaled."Mom, I have to tell the police about dad and Caroline's father."

She looked way, an unreadable emotion in her eyes. "Yeah, I knew that was eventually going to have to be done."

"It's not that I want to. But mom, I have no choice. It either dad or Riley and I'm sorry to say but I chose Riley and the baby. If they find out before I tell them they're going to think I had something to do with it."

Her gaze came back to mine and I looked on sullenly at her eyes filled and her throat bobbed. "Yeah. Yes, you're right and you should do what you can for them. I've realized that sooner or later, your father has to pay for what his mistakes. I just..if you can do me a favor..."


A tear strolled down her cheeks and my heart clenched at the sight. "Just make sure they don't put him away for too long. I don't think.." And that's when she broke down, sobbing into her palms silently. I felt my own eyes start to burn as I stood up and walked over to her side, ignoring the looks we were getting from people.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered into her neck, holding her firmly. 

She raised her head shaking it slowly. "No, Jason, you have no right to apologize okay? I'm just a bit shaken by everything and..."She inhaled. "Do what's right."

I stayed in her embrace for a couple more minutes until we both sat up and laughed at the uncomfortable waiter standing with our foods in his hands.

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