Chapter 37: Kidnapped

Start from the beginning

Roy: Uhm.. who are you?..

The man didn't respond and just grinned at him.

Roy: This isn't funny.. get out of our property!

He tried slamming the door shut but the man placed a foot forward, blocking the door.

Roy: The heck?

The man began pushing the door open and Roy immediately pushed back, using all his strength to prevent this stranger from their house.


Janie looked at Mezza as she picked Mae up and followed her upstairs, they went up at Roy's room hiding Mae under the bed and covering her with clothes, Mez grabbed a golf club and locked the trapdoor with it, Janie hid in closet while Mezza was positioning herself holding another golf club waiting for whoever comes up.

The house went silent when they heard a THUD! Downstairs..


The queens were outside the ER once again, Cath sat there and prayed for her daughter silently as tears fall off her eyes, Jane sat next next to her and cried as quietly as she could whilst Anne rubbed her back, Anna was waiting patiently, not caring if she looked like hell, Kit and Cathy were comforting eachother and Ed and Liz discuss about some things to distract themselves, soon after, a doctor finally stepped out, a frown was on his face as Cath shot up from her seat.

Cath: Is my daughter okay??

Doctor: Uhm... Ms. Aragon.. uh.. you see... She uhm.. she..

Anne: She what? Just spit it out..

They sighed and cleared their throat looking at Catherine straight in the eyes.

Doctor: She appears to have... Uhm.. COPD..

Anna: What's that?

Doctor: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, for short, it's a common lung desease, at first we thought it was just dyspnea, but it's worst than we thought-

Cath: Is she going to be alright?

Doctor: Yes, for now. We found out that some part of her brain caused her into some extreme hallucination.. we're still working on it but for now.. her breathing is stable.

The queens sighed in relief and Cath cried and sat back down.

Doctor: ..You all look familiar..

Cathy: What do you mean?

Doctor: Oh.. It's you, I'd like to thank you all.

All of them exchanged glances and and looked up at the doctor, confused.

Doctor: I'm that person who you guys assumed that has depression, you know like..

The doctor glanced at them and gestured to Kitty.

Doctor: Like when she got hospitalised, I got therapy and somehow, I'm coping very well with my depression now..

The doctor smiled at them, the queens smiled back and gave their congratulations to them, before they were called in, they all waved goodbye as they walked back to the doors.

Cath: We really are good at making friends..

Anne: He looked like he has more light in his life now!

Cathy: I'm definitely sure about that Annie.

Jane: Anyone want a drink?

Everyone agreed and Jane was stopped by both kids and offered that they would buy it for them, just to make themselves useful around here, Jane nodded and gave them the money before sitting down and talking to the queens.

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