Katie introduces herself to (Y/n), while shaking his hand violently.

(Y/n): "Hello there Miss Killjoy, I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I help Charlie here run the hotel. Is there something I can help you with?" 

(Y/n) tells her, trying to take his hand back because Katie is not wanting to let go, until he finally gets it free.

Katie Killjoy: "Me? Help? Well now that you mention it. How would you like to sleep with a TV anchor? Well... FORMER TV anchor? Trust me, I can rock your world honey." 

Katie tells (Y/n), making him shocked at how forward she is. Charlie too was shocked, considering she was right there in front of them, a feeling of anger overcoming her.

(Y/n): "Miss Killjoy, you are quite the character, but I'm going to have to reject." 

Katie Killjoy feels like glass just shattered, her eyes open wide, her smile now turning to a look of shock.

Katie Killjoy: "D-did you just, turn me down? Hah... me? Katie... KILLJOY?!?!" 

Katie begins to grow bigger in size, another pair of arms emerging from her body, enraged that a man turned her down.

(Y/n) stood his ground and prepared for the worst, but was relieved that he didn't have to deal with it, because Charlie's eyes turned red and her horns grew to be visible. Charlie lunged at Katie, taking her down easily, and with her rage, she kicked Katie across the room, hitting a wall, her body sliding slowly down against the wall. Charlie took deep breaths as she slowly turned back to normal, her red eyes going back to their pretty yellow shade. She turns to face (Y/n), who looks at her bewildered, but then changes into a smile. 

Charlie: "Hehe... oops. Guess I overreacted." 

Charlie admits, picking herself up.

(Y/n): "Do not apologize, it was cute." 

(Y/n) tells her, winking at her, making her blush and smile.

They share a little moment together, before another demon comes over to the desk to be signed up for the hotel. Charlie goes back around to the desk, as (Y/n) leans against it.

???: "Yeah I would like a membership." 

Charlie: "But of course! And what is your name?" 

Charlie asks him with a smile on her face.

Valk: "My name is Valk." 

The demon answers.

(Y/n) stares closely at the demon, noticing his blackish red skin, his jagged teeth, and tall height. It came to (Y/n)'s surprise, that this was the demon that tried to jump him when he first came to Hell to visit the hotel. (Y/n) smiles, seeing him wanting to become better, he decides to keep quiet, not wanting to attract undue attention, and not wanting to bring up old wounds. 

Valk signs the paper and smiles softly, his sharp teeth showing. He turns to Charlie to thank her.

Valk: "Thank you very much, this Heaven sounds fucking cool." 

Valk says as he walks off to look around the hotel.

(Y/n): "See you around... Valk..." 

(Y/n) says quietly to himself, which Charlie hears.

Charlie: "Did you know him?" 

Charlie asks, curious.

(Y/n): "Mhm, but that's a story for a later time. It's getting pretty late, time to close down for the night." 

Hazbin Hotel - Charlie x Male Angel Reader [OUTDATED]Where stories live. Discover now