2- Comfort

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(I know the picture doesn't really match, just pretend Sally is Super. There's a thing called 'imagination', use it!)

Sonic's POV

'Dark!' I yelled in my head.

"What?" A disgruntled Dark asked, appearing next to me.

"Take me home." I ordered.

"As you wish." Dark replied, sympathy shining in his white non-existent eyes. All my forms knew that my home sufaced painful memories and when I requested to go there, it meant I was really struggling.

He grabbed my arm and with a flash of green light we were gone.

With how much I use this method of transportation, one would think I'd have gotten used to teleportation, but that wasn't the case.

It was always an unpleasant sensation when you felt like you were as flat as a pancake, and getting all the air sucked out of you. It was pitch black and an over-all uncomfortable, but as soon as it starts, it's over and you end up in the place you focused on.

This was the case for us and we appeared in the middle of a forest on Christmas Island, my home.

"Get super." I muttered, holding back tears thretening to spill. He nodded and dissapeared, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

The clearing I was standing in had two headstones on one end with the foundation of a burnt house next to them. The other side of the clearing hekdheld crooked, run down swing, hanging from an old oak tree. A few yards from the house there was a small, run-down, metal shed that was suprisingly still standing.

I walked over to the headstones and traced the names with my finger before sitting down. The the first read, 'Jules Hedgehog- Dad' the other, 'Bernadette Hedgehog- Mom'. No birth and death dates, no special phrases, no nothing. Just their name. That was mostly because they were buried in the city cemetery, but I wanted to mark the place they loves, so he we were.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I started, staring at my parents empty graves. "Today was rough. I made a mistake and got beaten because of it. I asked Tails to take on some robots but at the last moment, I smashed them instead. Then, I destroyed the big 'bot. Apperantly it had 6 Chaos Emeralds in it, which they think I destroyed. I know the emeralds can't break, but they don't know that.

"Knuckles told me off and I tried to explain it to him, but he wouldn't listen. Instead, he yelled about how much of a failure I was because I destroyed our hope and almost let three city's get destroyed because I was supposedly off taking my own sweet time.

"At that point I couldn't keep it in. I yelled back. I told him how I was trying to save a whole other continent and that everyone expected me to be perfect, but I'm only 15. Then, Tails went to Knuckles and told about how he had lived in my shadow his while life and how he hated me and that I could kill myself for all he cares. That hurt me a lot so I snapped again and went home. All my so-called'friends' saw the news and hated me.

"Amy asked what I was doing there and I called her a b****! I didn't mean too, it just slipped out! I got my stuff and stormed out. Sonia tried to stop me but I-i snapped at her t-too..." My voice shook at the end of my story. "I-i ran a-away so h-here I-i a-am n-now."

After I finished, the tears finally fell and I started sobbing my heart out. I felt warm arms that I could only guess were Super's and allowed him to pull me into a bear hug until I calmed down and eventually fell asleep.


Super's POV

"SUPER!" A voice yelled. I jolted awake, hitting my head in the process.

"What do you want?" I asked grumpily. That hurt.

"Sonic. He's home and really messed up. He asked me to get you." Dark explained.

"Oh. I'll find him. Thanks." I then teleported outside our resting spot and walked behind him. I only caught the last bit he said, but it still made my gut wrench with sorrow.

He finished, sobbing, and I decided to act. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him. I saw a flash of reconation in his eyes before he burried himself in my fur, crying his heart out until he eventually fell asleep.

Once I knew Sonic was in a deep sleep, or in the REM stage (That's Rapid Eye Movement and the stage you dream, so technically once Sonic's dreaming.) if you will, I placed him gently on the blanket he brought and stood up, sending out a silent call to all the other forms.

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