Ch.37: White Snake Sage

Start from the beginning

I felt a burning sensation in my neck.  My body was in some much agony and felt like it was on fire. I then let out another loud scream when my head began pounding like someone playing the drum.  My body felt like I was spinning everything was moving around in front of me. Then the world started to turn black. the last thing I saw was Ryuu and Lord Hakuja both starting at me before the darkness consumed completely.


"June," A voice said.

I opened my eyes to see a small boy with black hair and golden eyes shaking me awake.

"Finally your awake mom and dad told me to wake you up from your nap.  Mom is done cooking dinner so come and eat,"

"Okay. I'm coming brother," I replied.

Once my brother was gone. I got out of bed and quickly used the bathroom before heading to the kitchen.

"Good evening family," I said walking inside the kitchen.

"Evening how was your nap," A pale skin kady with purple pupilless eyes and long blue hair said.

"It was great mom, " I replied.

Father grabbed two plates and put one in front of me than one in front of my brother.

"This pasta looks good, " I said looking down at my plate of pasta.

"It tastes as good as it looks my snake princess, " father said.

I nodded agreeing with my father the pasta is good.

"Kabuto can you read me a story?" I asked.

"Of course Lady June," Kabuto said.

"Why she considered a Lady were both three years old," Drago said with a pout.

"Don't whine son. It only because she acts grown for her age plus to so respect since she a female," Father said with a laugh.

After Kabuto finished eating. We both headed back to my room for him to read me a story.

An hour after Kabuto left my room after reading a story about a princess. I was about to go to bed when I heard someone come into my room.

I started to feel my heartbeat race when I spot purple eyes looking at me. I let a blood-curling scream when the man touched me.

"Be quiet kid before you wake up your family. I don't know what special about you but I was told capture you, " The purple eye man said.

"Perfect you found her Pein. We should get out of here, " A masked man said appearing out of nowhere. Then looking at the guy with purple eyes.

The purple eye guy then headed me to the masked guy and walked out of my room and felt myself be transported to a dim-lit room.

"Help!" I shouted.

"Shut up!" The mask man command in a deep voice.

"June!" I heard my father shout from down the hall of the hideout.

"Head back. I deal with this by myself,"

The other guy quickly disappeared in a poof of smoke.

"Give use back or daughter, " Mom shouted running into the room.

"Mom help!" I screamed tears running down my face.

"Shut up your mind now you have something I need kid,"

"I don't know what you want! But let go of my child now!" Father shouted running into the room and glaring at the masked man.

"I'm not letting her go!"

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