Ch.7:Horrible Memories That Never Leave

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A/N: I decided to write a chapter about June time when first joining her father, before getting back to the main story.  I will most likely have more chapters of scenes from her time first joining throughout the story.

Thrid POV

June was laying in bed after a long week of training with her father, after coming here a few days ago when she was sent on a mission to retrieve Sauske and bring him back the Hidden Leaf Village.

June yawned and decided that it was time to go to bed. So she slowly began to close her eyes.

I wonder what father going to teach me tomorrow and if I will ever find out more about my past, June thought to herself.

June was sleeping peacefully in her bed for a couple of minutes until she started tossing and turning in her sleep.

She was having another one her nightmares about her old life in the other world before she came to this world.


June was walking home to the orphanage from school.

"Well if it isn't the snake freak," A female voice said.

June turned around to the two meanest girls Jessica and Jamie from school standing behind her. With sinister smiles on there face.

"My name June, not snake freak," June whispered.

"Jamie, did you hear something?" Jessica asked.

"No it must have been the wind," Jamie replied.

"Your right let's go play at the park," Jessica said.

Jamie nodded then push June out of the way so they could head to the park.

"You're in the way freak so move it!" Jamie shouted pushing June and knocking her on the ground.

June let out a loud scream with she hit the ground hard. She then began crying sick of tired of being bullied.

"Oh look the freak is cry," Jessica said with a laugh.

"Why does everyone pick on me. It not fair even my caretaker is cruel to me," June muttered laying on the ground.

June then began crying even more.

"It not fair what did I do to deserve this!" June shouted.

June then sat up with a started covered in a cold sweat. She looked around the room several times afraid that her dream would follow her back in the world of awake.

She then pulls the covers tightly and begins shaking and crying.

Quick loud footsteps are heard heading to the June room.

June starts shaking even more afraid that she was about to face her dream in again in the world of awake.

A loud knock was then heard on the door.

June jumped and fell out of her bed and on the floor.

"Go away!" June shouted but all it sounded like was crying.

The door opened slowly to reveal Orochimaru.

"My dear snake Princess, what are you doing on the floor?" Orochimaru asked.

June just continues shaking and crying laying on the floor.

Orochimaru slowly lower to the floor and sat next to his daughter.

"My dear tell me what wrong. Your shaking like crazy and crying. Also, I heard you screaming, " Orochimaru said rubbing June's cheek.

"Don't hurt her and I'm not a freak!" June shouted trying to move away from her father's touch.

"My dear relax I won't hurt you. Also your not a freak. What got you so shaken up?"

June took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Sorry it just I had a really bad nightmare," June replied.

"I see my Snake  Princess tell me about it. So I can help you that scream of yours woke me up and had me concerned. So tell about your nightmare so I can help you."

June wiped her tears and looked up at her father's face. She could see in his eyes that he truly was concerned at her.

"Well, I was walking home to the orphanage. When the two meanest girls from my old school back in the other world.  They came up to me and called me a freak. Then they pushed me down on the ground.  I woke after screaming it not fair what did I do to deserve everyone hating me and treating me like dirt even my caretaker in the orphanage," June explained.

Orochimaru pulls his daughter close and wiped her tears.

"My dear your beautiful and amazing. I'm sorry that you had to suffer,  but I won't let you suffer anymore.  I will be by side and help you any way I can to stop you suffering."

June hugged her father tightly.

"Why don't you go back to sleep, my dear. It still very late."

"I'm afraid of having that nightmare again."

"I understand why don't you sleep with your old stuff snake. I know you probably don't remember but you always held it close to help you sleep when you were young. I can ask Kabuto in the morning to make you some medicine to help you sleep without nightmares," Orochimaru said.

June nodded.

"I would like that. Do you really think he can make me something to help?" June asked getting back in bed.

"Of course my dear Snake Princess. Now get some sleep. If you need me I will be in my room," Orochimaru said.

Orochimaru then kissed June on the cheek before walking over to her door.

"Sleep well my Snake Princess," Orochimaru whispered walking out of June room.

"Goodnight father. I love you," June whispered.

Orochimaru looked back at his daughter and smiled.

She really looks so beautiful falling asleep, Orochimaru thought to himself.

June yawned and slowly began to close her eyes.

Oh, Mr.Viper don't let the nightmares come back to haunt me, June thought to herself.

"Sleep well, my Snake princess. Don't worry your pretty hair I will have Kabuto make you medicine tomorrow before bed.

Orochimaru then walked out of the room and closed the door quietly so he didn't wake June up.

June then pulled Mr.Viper closer to her and began sleeping peacefully without having another nightmare throughout the rest of the night.


Hey lovely readers 💚💚💚

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think about this chapter.

Also, don't forget to vote and comment.

Q: What was your favorite part of this chapter?

Q:  would you like to see more filler or whatever you want to call them about June time when she first joined Orochimaru?

Q: When do you think will master her byakugan and Sharingan like her twin brother?

I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Next chapter I plan to get back to the main story which is Tenchi Bridge.

Thanks for reading 💚💚

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