Sarah Plays: Sonic Mania

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Me: *Watches Sarah play Mania when-*

Sarah: Oh, cool! You can be Sonic, Tails or both. *Selects both*

Game: *Angel Island*

Sarah: Wait....Sonic 3? What's going on? I wanna get this game but if it's another replica of the originals then I don't really want another copy-

Game: *Teleports from Angel Island to Green Hills*

Sarah: Okay- WTF just happened? *Shrugs and plays through Green Hills*

Game: *Victory after defeating Eggman*

Sarah: Um....Okay- Cool!

Game: *Teleports again*

Sarah: What the heck-?

Game: *Chemical Plant Zone*

Sarah:....Oh you've got to be kidding me- No! I HATE this zone! I always accidentally either drown or find a glitch! Ugh-! Friggin Chemical Plant. *Plays through it*

Game: *Victory after defeating Eggman*

Sarah: This is weird....Really weird....So what's the pattern? Level one is game one while level two is game two? What's game three? Level three?

Game: *Teleports to Studiopolis*

Sarah:......What Sonic game is this zone from? I don't recall Studiopolis- *Pauses the game amd flips the controller* I give up, that's it. I dunno what's going on but Jeebus I don't WANNA know. *Walks off while both mad and confused*

Me: *Laughing hysterically this whole time* THIS IS TOO FUNNY-! Sarah was playing Mania for the first time! I love her reactions! XD

Sarah: *Outside our game room* SHUT UP, SONIC!

Me: XD I love her so much!

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