Christmas and Crime

Start from the beginning

She came to another startling conclusion.

She had no parents. Hadn't had them since Charlie started training. And that hurt even more.

"Fine." She said, defeated. She got up and went to her room where she waited until 10:30 PM for her parents to go to bed and then climbed out of the window.

That night the fight club became very busy after word got out that not only she was back in town, she had never before displayed the amount of sheer violence. Word got out and soon the club was near overrun with men looking at her fight. As the night went on, Jay never once stepped out of the ring, instead they ended up sending people into the ring without even asking her to leave it anymore. The club usually closed at 2:30 AM. This time they stayed open until 4:00 AM for the amount of people that were watching her fight. They truly loved watching her.

She found herself not minding it in the slightest.

At least they appreciated her true self. And hey, more people to punch, right?


The next day she came down to find a note on the table.

They were already gone. Hadn't even said goodbye this time.

She looked at her knuckles. They were punched raw. That morning when she looked in the mirror she noticed that she also had a huge black eye from where a guy had gotten a lucky shot. They ended up having to carry him out of the ring.

Perhaps it was good they were already gone. That way she didn't have to put up her doll-face. She was too tired to do so right now. With the club staying open a lot longer as usual she only went to bed at 4:45 this morning, that was late even for her.

She looked at the newspaper while pressing another cooling pack to her eye, hoping to down the swelling some more.

She found herself looking at the wanted section. These criminals had a bounty on their heads because the aurors couldn't find them.

She looked at it blankly for a few moments before getting up and going to her room, taking the paper with her.

The icepack lay on the table, forgotten.


Later that day Jay was couching on a rooftop. Her target was in the building across from hers. This was it, her first hit. The entire day she had looked at the information given by the ministry, and had been preparing ever since. Once darkness emerged, Jennifer found herself in the streets, tracking down associates of her target, beating them to a pulp to make them talk. Eventually, hours later she managed to get a straight answer on his location. She knew he was inside with at least two guards. It was only a matter of time before-

Her target just left the building. As her information implied, he had two guards with him.

Like he was just hoping for someone to jump him, he stupidly entered a dark alleyway. Perfect.

Taking a deep breath, she jumped from the building on top of one of the guards, striking a nerve in his neck which knocked him out immediately. Her target and the other guard looked startled, both going for their wands. Before the second guard could even aim however, he was already joining the first guard on the floor. Not waiting any time, she quickly took a knife and threw it at her target, hitting him in the shoulder making it impossible for him to lift his arm, thus as well making it impossible to cast a single spell at her.

"You know, I was expecting more of a fight. This was just downright pathetic." She commented.

"Who the hell are you?! And what gives you the right to attack me like this?!"

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