First Day of Class

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"I see, well, looks like I've got some time to read my books before class then."

Just as Percy was about to reply, a new voice commented from their sides.

"Good morning Miss Potter, up and about early are you not? And good morning to you as well, Mister Weasley." Professor McGonagall said.

"Apparently. I'm used to getting up at 6:00, so this is actually a sleeping in day for me." Jennifer answered, turning herself so that she was standing with her chest towards her Head of House.

"Well, since you are up already, I might as well give you give you your schedule. You first class will be transfiguration, and I am curious to see how you will do Miss Potter."

It was rather funny that, while Jennifer could use transfiguration up to N.E.W.T.s level and above -wordlessly and in some cases wandlessly (it was handy after all to be able to transfigure knives if she ever lost her wand)- she couldn't point this fact out. The professor had never even seen her use magic after all, unlike with her brother.

"I'm looking forward to the class, professor. And if I might add, I think I will do just fine."

"We'll see about that in class, Miss Potter. Mister Weasley." With a small nod to the both of them, she retreated back to the head table.

"Well, guess I'll have to wait for a bit then. Thanks for explaining it to me Percy."

"No problem. If you have any other questions please feel free to come to me."

Without another word, Jennifer sat down at the table and took out a magazine on potions, listing all new potions that had been published lately. Noting an interesting potion, she filed the name away to get the recipe on it later.

None of the teachers noticed her reading the magazine that was supposed way above her level of skill bar one. Severus Snape saw the girl reading the magazine, and immediately recognized it for what it was. He was after all subscribed to it as well. Curiously he took a closer look at the child, who seemed to absorbed by reading that she never noticed, only to scoff as he saw how fast she was going through the magazine. There was simply no way anyone could read anything that fast, especially something of that difficulty. She must simply be going through it in order to look smarter as she is, he decided.

Unknown to the professor, Jennifer was already above N.E.W.T. level with her potion brewing, and was reading everything perfectly fine, the knowledge branded into her memory forever, never to be forgotten ever again.


To her utter surprise, it took indeed until 8:00 AM before the students started to stream in to the great hall, some still looking like they were half asleep. Jennifer put her magazine away quickly lest anyone ask her questions about it that she didn't want to answer. She once again ended up sitting next to Neville, which she was fine with.

Once most students were in the hall, owls started flying in through an open widow, and flying towards the students. Jennifer received a letter from her parents stating how proud they were that she had made it into Gryffindor.

There were also students who got packages sent to them, filled with forgotten items. Jennifer solely got the letter, while her brother got a package containing all sorts of items he had forgotten to pack in his trunk before heading to Hogwarts.

Neville also got a small package, but it didn't contain any forgotten items, but a present from his grandmother for making it into Gryffindor.

"Look! Neville's got himself a remember ball!" A boy sitting a few chairs to the right exclaimed.

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