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A month had dragged by. Yet, time seemed to stand still. For a month I had tried to lie to myself, refused to accept that I missed him. Thought I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting him here he had been just like every guy in my life; he left. I kept him blocked on all socials for many reasons and he never failed at finding some way to contact me. Whether it be through Kath or Brodey or Elliot, he would find a way to reach out.

I appreciated him trying but he couldn't do the one thing I'd asked of him. I knew what my heart wanted but I also needed space. After all, it heals all wounds.

I had just finished packing my last box that I would be taking on my trip to Wichita when my phone began vibrating again. Knowing it was probably Lannan attempting to reach out, I was in no hurry to look at it. About an hour went by when someone began viciously banging on my front door. Anxiety ridden, I peaked through the blinds. Nikki.

"What do you want?" I asked as I threw open the door. She proceeded to shove her phone in my face. It was a video of Lannan. His hair was wild, he looked as if he hadn't moved from in front of the camera for days, and his eyes looked sad. It broke my heart to see the state he was in and when he began talking, my heart dropped that much more.

"Sam, it's been days. I haven't heard from you, I can't look you up to see how you're doing. All I get is that stupid fucking dial tone then straight to voicemail. I can't do the shit of not seeing or hearing from you anymore. I just want to come back to me, to just say it's okay. I've never met someone so understanding. Or accepting. The love you have for me never fades. Never took a hit. And for that, I'm thankful. I just wish I would have seen it. You'll always have my heart. I love you." And the video ended. Nikki glared at me through piercing eyes.

      "Are you fucking joking? No one has heard from him since this video and it something happens to him, it's on you." She then turned around and left. I immediately dug through my pocket and shakily dialed his number. It rang twice and went to voicemail. I called again. Three more times after that. After what seemed like hours of calling I have one last attempt. The phone rang three times before someone answered.


AND that's a wrap. I appreciate EVERY single person that has read any part of this story. I'm back and forth on writing a sequel but if enough people want one, I'll be more than happy to write it! Please leave your thoughts, theories on who answers the phone, where you think the story is going, or anything in the comments! Thank you for reading this and sticking with it for so long.

Faces (Lannan Eacott) *Under Editing*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt