Chapter 17: (part 3)

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Samantha remained standing, stumped at Marius' decision. "Why would you do that, Dad? You have a strong claim!" She accidentally shouted, her voice becoming shrill with her sudden panic. She thought being an adult wolf while studying in a city full of vampires was the least of her worries. Apparently, Marius was keen on making her stay with the pack as their healer, as well as the mate of the now undisputed Alpha, Daniel.

"Samantha, my claim was only strong as long as Daniel remained unmated and I am the only wolf of Alpha blood that has heirs. But with my own daughter being his mate, his claim on the Alpha title is stronger. Samuel and I still have a claim, but it's nowhere near Daniel's." Marius explained, getting impatient with Samantha's demeanor.

"How come?" Samantha asked, her voice getting shriller still. "How did his claim become stronger?"

"The first thing that wolves look into when considering a new Alpha is the presence of heirs. In that aspect, Samuel is at the bottom if the list, as he is unmated. I do have children, but with Daniel being younger and mated to a strong-blooded female with the gift of healing, prospect of children is not far off. We're almost even on that account."

Samantha cringed at this. The mention of her mating connection with Daniel was still a sore subject. She didn't really have anything against Daniel since she actually started liking the guy. It's being forced to the mating connection that she's having problems with.

"My only leverage over Daniel is gone. Add it to the fact that I was practically exiled over Lupe and Hector before, Daniel has become the obvious choice." He finished solemnly.

Samantha sat down, her shoulders sagging in defeat. Leaving the pack seemed to be an impossible feat now. She couldn't just run away - she acknowledged her responsibilities to her family and pack. She just never thought that she'd have the responsibility of being the future Alpha's wife.

It was a daunting prospect, one that never occurred to her in her wildest imaginations. She could almost see her dreams of being a doctor crumbling into dust at Daniel Carlton's feet.

"I know I'm asking too much of you, Samantha. I know how much you want to return to the city. But you cannot forsake your mate, especially since he will become Alpha someday," Marius implored. "Please do not repeat our mistakes, my daughter. Don't let him become another Hector. Having known Daniel for a while, he is an honorable man, and I'm sure he would let you go if you ask him to."

Samantha couldn't help but agree. She knew Daniel would never force her to confirm their mating connection if she refused him. And if that happens, Daniel will no longer have a claim in the Alpha position.

"He doesn't deserve Hector's fate, Dad," Samantha quietly responded. "I couldn't do that to him. He worked hard all his life to be worthy of the Alpha title, I just can't take it all away from him."

Marius took both of Samantha's hands in his, and murmured softly. "You have a kind heart, Samantha. You would make a good leader to the pack."

Marius carefully wiped away the tears from his daughter's eyes. "As much as I want that Alpha title, I would never wish Hector's fate on Daniel. I only wanted to be Alpha to prove my worth, to atone for my mistakes in the past, and to become an honored member of the pack; but if I pursue this quest, I would be forcing my own daughter to commit the same mistakes I have done," he finished sadly.

Samantha stood up to walk over her father's side and embraced him. "I will atone for the past mistakes, Dad. I will be a good leader to the pack, as well as an amazing pack healer," she told him with much conviction. "Hey, who among the past pack healers could claim to have a pre-med degree?" She added jokingly.

Marius chuckled and tucked his daughter's head under his chin, holding her tight, greatful that he was blessed with a good daughter.


A few minutes after Samantha's discussion with Marius in the kitchen, Asena arrived. Lupe had sent for her before leaving for the homebase.

"Sam! I missed you!" Asena immediately jumped to embrace her.

"Hey, I wasn't gone that long! It was just a day!" Samantha laughed.

"It felt like ages ago, so much has happened since I saw you last!"

Samantha laughed at Asena's bubbly chatter. The girl never failed to cheer up.

"Tell me everything! I heard you had a fight with Daniel before you left, and then when you escaped to the city after your lovers' spat, you got attacked by a bunch of vampires!"

"What? Where did you hear that?" Samantha laughed at the absurdity of Asena's version of the story. "Yes, I did exchange some heated words with Daniel before I left, but it was not a lovers' spat since we're not a couple. The reason I went to the city was for some details on the ritual. And it was just three vampires who attacked me,"

"Hey, my story sounded better," Asena pouted, "especially since it mentions Daniel sweeping in as your knight in shining armor and saving you, then you kissed and made up when you recognized each other as mates.." Asena trailed off, her expression dreamy. She slumped over the chair and blinked balefully at Samantha.

Samantha plopped down the couch next to Asena, and straightened out her story. Asena pouted at her, claiming that her own version was much more romantic than Samantha's.

"So, what happened after you and Daniel recognized each other as mates? Did you kiss?" Asena asked excitedly. "Please give me something to be happy about, Sam, pack life had been somber after the vampire attack at the school," she finished sadly.

Samantha frowned, remembering the events befor her altercation with the vampires at the city. It seemed like years ago when the vampires attacked the pack school, injuring many and claiming the lives of adults and children alike.

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, Asena. We didn't get to talk at all."

"What?! But why?" Asena asked, her expression crestfallen.

"Uhm, well.. There was some issue with the vampires that he had to deal with, so I left first.." Samantha made up.

"Hey Samantha. Are you trying to avoid Daniel?" Asena asked seriously, straightening up.

"N-no! I'm doing no such thing, I-" Samantha flustered.

"Is it because you're afraid he wont let you leave the pack village anymore?" Asena interrupted. Samantha didn't answer, unsure what to say. "Do you hate Daniel that much?"

"No! I don't hate him, Asena.. It's just that, I really wanted to pursue my medical degree. I can't became a doctor if I'm stuck here because I'm mated to the Alpha. But now, I realize that -"

Samantha's explanation was cut short when the front doors suddenly burst open. Samantha stood abruptly, turning to face the person at the doorway, who obviously heard their conversation.

The two things that Samantha hated about pack life was an Alpha who would dictate her every move, and a mate who would intrude on her most intimate thoughts. So what do the Fates do? They decide to let her have both - all in a single scowling package of Daniel Carlton, who was standing in front of her. His expression was unreadable, but there was no mistaking the tension in his stance, obviously distressed at what he heard from Samantha.


A/N: That's it for Chapter 17 folks! Okay, so I lost my copy of the titles for the rest of the chapters. As some of you might have noticed, the chapter titles come from the book titles of popular literary works.

If you have a suggested title for Chapter 17, please leave a comment. ;)

Quick questions: Marius' side has been heard. What are your thoughts on him, and on Sam's choice of staying in the pack rather than to pursue her dream? About Daniel's entrance in the last part, how much has he heard of the conversation? How do you think would he react?

If you enjoyed this chapter, please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. ;)

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