"Thank you.. Yuki.. For worrying about Zero like this.. I'm still afraid of what reaction will you put when you heard his tragic story.. But I guess all my worries gone way.. Yumika was right.. If there is one person whose going to understand him.. It's you.. Thank you.." I hug her and she just stroke my back..

After some hours.. The rain stops.. And the power came back.. Yuki was long gone to bed.. I was going to sleep when I heard a soft knock. My eyes went wide.. It was Kaname.. Carrying in his arms was the sleeping figure of Yumika.. I let him in..

He was going upstair when I stop him..

"Kaname..." I called but he interrupt me.

"Just let me put her to bed first.. I'll be right back.." I nodded.. Kaname went upstair straight into Yumika's room.. I heard his footstep.. I place two cups of tea in the sofa table.. One for me and one for him.. He sat down.. He silently smell the tea and blow it to cool it down a little before drinking it..

He put the cup down to the saucer and lay his eyes on me.. He spoke.

"Chairman... About Kiryu's transfer.?" He started.

"Can't we just find another option?" I replied with a question..

"Chairman!! Please... Reconsider it.. Transfer him to the Night Class.. That way I can watch over him.." I heard Kaname raise his voice a little.

"Kaname.. I know... You felt anguish and anger towards him right now because of what he did to Yumika.. But.. You can't stop me from worrying for him.. Even though I was not his father.. I consider him as my son.. It's only natural for me to worry.. I'm worried about him.. What if the member of the Night Class ganged up to him?" I asked again in a worried tone.

"Chairman... You don't have to worry about it anymore.. They are willing to associate with him.. For Yumika's sake.." Kaname's voice is back to normal when he said this.

"How is that even possible.. What about Ruka and Hanabusa?? I'm sure they're trying to kill Zero because of what happen?" I asked again.

"Apparently.. Ruka was the first who agreed for his transfer.. True.. They are in rage and urge to kill Zero Kiryu but when I said Yumika's name and her request they settle down.. As long as Yumika is here they will not do anything to him.. They are more scared if Yumika hate them for hurting him than Zero Kiryu points his gun on them.." Kaname explain and a small chuckle escape my lips..

"That's Yumika for you.." I smile.. "I guess I can trust your word Kaname.. I arrange his paper first thing in the morning.." I can't argue about this anymore.. Yumika's word are enough already to put me at ease..

Kaname stand up and bid his farewell.. I nodded and then when he was away enough from the door I close it.. Little did I know.. Someone heard our conversation.. I went straight to my room and arranged Zero's transfer..

End of POV


Yuki suddenly woke up.. She heard Kaname's slight angry tone..

Yuki POV

I woke up suddenly when I heard Kaname-sama's voice... Without making any sounds I open my door and step out.. I walk downstair... And then I heard them.. About Zero... They going to transfer Zero to the night class.. Slowly.. I run to my room and hug myself..

"No.. I won't allow it... I can't.. I won't survive a day without seeing him.. No.." I said to myself.. "How did it turn out like this.. How come I love him more than I love myself.. I won't let you leave me behind again.." I continued.

And then....

Morning came...

As always.. I was doing my job as a prefect.. But.. I don't see Zero.. Three days have pass but still no sign of him.. Three days become one week.. I was sitting in class but my mind was thinking about him.. When I heard Yori..

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