The Tragic Play Date

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Pink. Pink was everywhere. You couldn't help but gag a bit. "Something wrong, (Y/N)?" You didn't wanna hurt the girl's feelings so you said,"I'm fine. Don't worry about it, kid." All of a sudden, the girl bounces to her closet and pulls out a dress. It was pink, poofy, and sparkly. You hated it. "Put it on!", the girl, otherwise know as Sally, said. You didn't wanna, but she's only a kid. You don't want to hurt her. You grabbed the dress and went to change. You ran into a person with all black eyes except for where the pupils are. Those were red. He looked a lot like Link from Legends of Zelda. "Why hello there, miss~," said the boy with a smirk. You asked who he was. He gasped in shock.  "You don't know me? I'm BEN Drowned!" Then he whispered, "BEN is spelled in all caps by the way." You thought to yourself,'Why in all caps....?' You shook off that thought and asked where the bathroom was. "All the way at the end of the hall." You thanked him and went there.

~10 Minute Time Skip brought to you by My Room~

You tried to enjoy the tea party, but the fact everything was girly made you sick. You all of a sudden heard yelling and arguing. You decided to check it out. You told Sally to stay put and that you'd be back. You changed out of that horrible dress that Sally had given you and into your normal clothes in the bathroom and went to see what went on. You almost cried when you walked in.

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