Chapter 7- What Happens Next

Start from the beginning

Me: sure, I've got nothing planned anyway.

R: What time should I come over?

Me: give me 10 minutes then you can come break down my door

R: kk.

I drop my phone on my bed and walk into my bathroom. I look at my reflection and shake my head at the state of my face, there are dark circles, my face looks pale like I haven't rested in a while. Damn fever, making me look like crap.

I sigh and shrug off my clothes and quickly take a shower before choosing navy blue ripped jeans and a yellow sweater that's cropped. I sigh contentedly at my reflection before putting on some light make up.

I pick my phone and put it into a small purse before skipping down the stairs to meet a curios Flinette

"What's got you happy?" she asks as she sips coffee from a mug. I just do not understand how someone would prefer to drink that nasty thing over good ol' orange juice

"I'm going to the mall with Renae"

She raises her eyebrows at me before carefully dropping her mug on the table, "are we talking about a different Renae or is the same backstabbing one you have in mind?"

"the one and only" I say and check the time. I still have about two minutes before Renae comes over and I don't want her to come in and meet a pissed Flinette, that will only ruin my plans. "I'll be outside waiting for her"

"whatever you say" She replies with a shrug of her shoulders before picking up her mug and walking to the living room.

I walk out the door and sit down on the steps of my house, not long after I see Jordans car park in front and Renae's head pops out and she beckons on me.

I honestly hope that Jordan is not in that car, cause if he is I don't know how I am going to react. I walk to the passenger door and see Renae sitting in it and thats when I notice Jordan at the driving seat.

I groan internally and not wanting to ruin my only chance of dragging my lazy ass to go shopping, I enter the back seat without a word and reply Renae's cheerful greetings with a mumble which she doesn't pay attention to and begins to chatter excitedly to Jordan

I scoff but make sure I do so without making much noise before I open my phone and look for what to keep myself occupied with until we reach the mall.

As I look through my contacts I realize that I don't have Micheal's number which I find quite strange for the amount of times we have interacted. I shrug it off and begin to looks through my Instagram posts when I look at my posts archive and see lots of pictures of Renae and I when I was still oblivious.

The way she is smiling in all the pictures revolt me when I think back to everything she has done to me, all she put me through and most importantly what she took away from me. And finally, what she made me into.

I look up at my phone and see Renae and Jordan staring at themselves lovingly and I can't stop myself when I snap, "I'm honestly not in the mood to die", I begin, "So, I would honestly appreciate it if you save your lovey dovey thing for when I am not present in the back seat"

I see Renae roll her eyes at my dramatics and Jordan shifts uncomfortably in his seat and I also roll my eyes before I go back to looking at the pictures on my phone.

This is supposed to be a day for Renae and I to bond. It was supposed to be a chance for me to decide if my hate for her ran so deep that I was willing to sacrifice our friendship or if it was all a mistake and I should give her a second chance. But right now, I feel anger boiling through my veins as I add Jordan to a list of other things she has taken away from me. To think that he was once mine and would only hang out with me and now because of her, I get the end stick of his affection.

"You okay back there?" Renae asks and turns around to look at me, "you don't look too good"

I take deep breaths before answering, hoping that my voice wont come out hoarse from the anger I feel clawing at my throat, "I'm just dandy" I reply and plaster a fake smile on my face.


We've been at the shopping mall for fifteen minutes and Renae and Jordan have been joined at the hip since we got here. I hate it, this was supposed to be a bonding moment for us and not for them to show off their relationship to me.

I've been waiting for a while now for Renae to come out of the changing room where she went to try on a dress with Jordan who accompanied her to the door. I stand up from my seat at the bench outside the store and walk towards the dressing room.

Grumbling incentives to myself about the horrible time women take to change into a simple outfit, I yank open the door of her changing room and stop dead in shock. Before me lies Renae and Jordan chewing both their faces. I blink a few times feeling tears brimming in my eyes. 

Renae notices me first and I see a hint of smugness on her face before she pulls away hastily from Jordan and pastes a shocked expression on her face, "Jossie, I didnt see you there"

Clearly, since it seemed like you were occupied with something else, "obviously' I say and begin to walk away when Renae calls after me

"where are you going?" she asks innocently and I clench my fists at my side 

"Home" I say and when she wants to speak I cut her off, "I don't see the need to be here anymore since its obvious I'm just an inconvenience"

"Jossie.." she begins but once again I cut her off.

"save it" I begin, "I dont want to hear any of your excuses", I turn around once again before adding, "they piss me off"


Qwiin_tee here 🙋🙋

I'm almost done with my final exams which means I can write more and continue to focus on Status quo 😊😊

To all those who have been with me from the beginning to know I would like to say thank you and for that I would to give a shout out to my biggest fan and supporter @_Aubade_ thank you so much.

So don't forget to like, comment and share 🙇🙇

Tee out 🙋🙋

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