Storms/ Drowning

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- see example for breathing : (Strangulation)

- but did he force in every dagger of air, despite how much the cool /winter coldness would freeze him from the inside out

-sending a cold (piercing) sensation in his shivering/freezing lungs

-nearly choke at the first inhale of winter air, as he suddenly felt a freezing sensation piercing down his throat, inside his stomach * , entering his lungs, in one frozen sting ~ cooling him from the inside out - cooling him even more, than he was already suffering from under the cold weather, surrounding him with its snowing pride (or just write : than he already froze ( his soaked / wet-soaked body)

* (Variation : freezing/cooling his entire stomach on its way to sting his lungs with one...)

-approaching hypothermia (if really cold)
-----> - can't think properly - > mind is clouded /fogged
          - losing orientation - > Disoriented
          - sight gets fuzzy /blurry
          - movements getting slurred / blurry (stumbling/staggering)
          - frostbite

-Dust-like (white) steam coming out of mouth, with every exhale

-pale/dull eyes
-losing feeling in limbs/numbness
-skin is shivering (uncontrollably / involuntarily)

- his Skin doesn't even shiver anymore, the feeling of hypothermia has taken its place long ago

- leisure movements

-slurred speech /numb speech - duo to feeling of numbness of mouth and lips

-Hypothermia : - circulation breakdown ---> Good example : Fanfiction : Waters kiss

                       - Hallucinations

-Coldness sucks the air even more out of him

-hasty movements ( swimming - > Drowning)

- kicking / trashing /struggling desperately against the superior waves pulling him back down with him in its inescapable grasp / against the airy water / watery air 

(which can cause tiredness, just as the more you struggle, the more the water dares to push you with it back down)

- gasping for air,  only to be welcomed by the Saltiness of the ocean burning his drowning lungs with its cold water

-As he squirmed, wiggled, struggled and cried. But did only still soundless bubbles escape his mouth,, as water flooded his tearing lungs

POV from the probable saviour :

- searching desperately in the dark water to find him
- turning, twisting violently in each direction, but was the only thing, he could see the eternal dark water, he trashed in..

-faint red tendrils of blood clouding the water around his head (the drowning ones head - maybe he hurt himself, as he fell in, or there was a battle and he hit struck by an attack, causing him to fall in the raging lake down below)

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