Fear /Shock

21 1 0

F = Fear
S = Shock


F - sudden movements / twitching, at the smallest sounds

F - paled / his went was as white as albino could be / chalky

S - paralyzed

S - eyes wide / tightened (ing)

F/S - tension/strained/stiffened/taut

F - curled in a ball against the Bleak, cold wall
- rucking from side to side
- their dot-like eyes staring / observing maniacally their sight infront of them
- shivering/trembling/whimpering

F - drawn together shoulders
- arms clinging around them / their stomach
- trying best not to stutter

F/S - voice cracking, quivering, quiet, high with hysteria, oddly high, stuttering, murmuring

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