06. Traditions of the New and Old

Start from the beginning

Reaching the couch, I was pushed gently down to sit. Someone embraces me and starts whispering in my ear.

“I know you are mad,” I hear the voice of my eldest sister, Jai Lia, “I know you want to scream. But not here and not now. Calm down. Everyone is watching. Calm down. Calm down, now.”

“Luna, why are you crying?” voices of my family say to me.

I could not have been angrier than that moment in my whole life. If I had the power, I would have slashed through them all and hid myself half way across the world. I wanted to scream at those who questioned my actions. I wanted to curse everyone who came to join in this holy matrimony of mine.

Beyond my better judgement, I started to suppress my sobs. I hated to be controlled and told what to do, but I knew I had to comply to my sisters words. She was right. Everybody was in that house, and they would talk if I had a screaming fit.

Jia Lia finally pulled away as I reached my calming point. My last sob came out and soon after I was embarrassed for my actions. This was not what I was planed on. I felt even worse that my future family had to witness my break down. Jia Lia looked at me, and wiped at my face.

“Chia, help me bring Luna to the bathroom. Her face is a mess. Everyone can wait to have a chat with her.”

With the help of Chia, Jia Lia pulls me onto my feet again. My sisters and Chia guides me, tagging along to join our little party in the bathroom.

Seven of us girls piled into the tiny bathroom and closed the door.

“Damn it Luna, did you have to freak out like that the moment you walked in?” Kia said.

“It’s not like she could help it, Kia. She is being forced to marry someone she doesn’t love. Sorry, Chia, that’s just the truth,” Jai Lia said.

Chia shrugged, “I couldn’t agree more. I’m surprised Luna didn’t break down sooner.”

“Wash your face. You look ugly,” Gao Seng said to me.

“Shut up. I can look how ever I want,” I retaliated.

“Nou Hli, wash your face. We have to redo your makeup,” Jia Lia instructed me to move towards the sink.

Huffing, I couldn’t do anything against my eldest sister’s words. Moving over to the sink, careful of the clothing I was wearing, I started to wash my face. It felt good to wash my face though, getting rid of the dried tears on my skin.

“You can’t break down today, no matter how much you want to. After your wedding and after a few days have passed, we can get together for you to scream as much as you want. Just try to keep it in for today,” Jai Lia said as I finished up.

I dried my face with a towel, and looked over at my sisters.

“Damn,” Gao Seng said, “You still look ugly. When was the last time you slept?”

“Seriously? Seriously?!” I said to my younger sister.

“Gao Seng, stop it, or you’re getting thrown out,” Jia Lia said, getting in front of me, “I’m just going to be doing the basics to your face. We have to get out there again otherwise they will talk even more.”

“Ugh, they are already talking,” Tina said.

“Oh yeah?” I said as Jia Lia instructed me to close my eyes, “Who and what are they saying?”

“Just the typical Aunt Houa stuff. But that isn’t even her biggest story, apparently, you weren’t in line for the marriage. Apparently it was supposed to be Ellen. So, of course, Aunt Houa is saying this and that all morning. How if it was Ellen, this wedding would be happening at her house, and that everything would be that much better. Cause, you know, it would be her instead of here.”

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