1) The Girl

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Jamie woke up and rubbed is eyes, he coughed as dirt flew into his mouth. He was laying in his room, which was an old shack - the walls where rotten and dirty the roof could collapse on him at any moment but he still stayed there, inside there was a small pit Jamie used for cooking food, a cooler he had stolen, a sleeping bag he had also stolen and a small rug he used as flooring because the actual floor was pretty much just dirt, dust, and small patches of grass. He stood up put on his shirt and walked through the hole in the wall (he called it his front door).
Jamie sniffed himself "yuck I smell disgusting, I should go wash up in the river"

Jamie walked past a giant rock, And slid down a small slope. His feet hit the ground with a small thud, he felt the slightly warmed rocks under his feet as walked over to a small section of the river which had a pool Jamie had made and a rope that he hung his clothes up on.

He took of his shirt and pants leaving only his underwear on. He then dunked him and his clothes in the freezing water, " buuurr this is cold" he said as he was slightly shivering "well at least it's pretty warm out today this would suck if it was cold out" Jamie said to himself. After washing his clothes and all the dirt of himself he got out hung up his clothes and laid on the rocks so he could try and dry himself of as much as he could before heading into town.

Jamie walked into town, as he was walking down the streets seeing if there was anything good to steel today he saw tons of people gathering in the center of town.
"Nice, tons of people tons of pockets to pick" so Jamie walked into to the crowd.
He saw an older looking lady with a bright yellow hat on with flowers and a nice violet purse. Gotcha, Jamie reached into the lady's purse BINGO he pulled out a little wallet with again flowers on it he open it quickly and pulled out a little money from it then tapped on the lady's shoulder

"Oh, yes sweetie do you need something?" Said the lady

"No I just wanted to give you this, you dropped it" said Jamie while handing her back her wallet.

Yes Jamie always gave back the willets he took and never took all the money, he wasn't evil. After picking several more pockets, purses, and bags Jamie heard someone yell

"Lady's and gentlemen please welcome Clara bougie to the stage!"

"Ugh, just another stuck up bratty rich girl performing to impress all the hot guys in town"
Thought Jamie.

He started to walk away from the crowd when he heard her start to sing, she had the most beautiful voice Jamie had ever heard it was Like the sound of birds chirping in the morning and the smell of Fresh bread it made Jamie feel all warm inside. wow, he hadn't felt like that since before his parents where killed.
Jamie met Claras eyes for a split before walking out of the crowd and back to his shack.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed that leave a comment if you want me to continue writing more of this story,

Also please leave a comment if there where any mistakes or if there was anything I could improve on - no hard feelings I'm fine with any criticism

Bye my sirens have a nice day or night UwU

Word count: 607

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