46. Saving Kalikapur.

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The little girl looked a little confused but she nodded her head and Chitra walked out of the broken temple picking up a rusted sword which lay near the ground. The moment she stepped out she saw that two men were trying to gang up against Rajan attacking from both the sides.

She Ploded towards him, almost relaxingly trying to not attract any attention. Chitra lifted her hand and slashed the shoulder of the man who was attacking Rajan from behind which made the man collapse to the ground screaming in pain.

Soon Rajan followed Chitra's move and did the same and very soon those bastards were in their surrender.

Few villagers came by with huge fire sticks in their hands as they heard heavy screams and wails from the forest.

Those three men were chained despite their bleeding state, such inhuman men definitely don't deserve any care.

The village head came in, took over these assailants and locked them up. The night had fallen and it was late night by the time they reached the village but unlike every other night almost every villager stood by the huge tree which is usually used to conduct village meetings.

They happily welcomed them, praising their bravery.

"We can never express in words about how grateful we are, you have come like a god and helped us and saved our village." The village panchayat head said his words of gratitude as he sat beside the slab around the tree.

The village healer was quickly treating their small wounds and the panchayat head huffed dreamily talking about how the village looked back at them when there were no such unfortunate incidents.

"This beautiful village will soon be an abundant area, oh how scary it would be." He huffed almost talking to himself.

"Why, Panchayat head? The problem has been cleared now so-"

"There are many families who have lost their precious children already, it is heartbreaking from them to see that their innocent children were cruelly sacrificed for someone's personal agenda of reaching heaven."

And those words made Chitra think about Apsara, it is clear now that she has lied to her. The amount of action and drama she has put up every time made Chitra wonder about why she has done this.

Why? What was she gaining from this? But more than anything a strong feeling of uneasiness and fear was gripping her heart. Unknowingly she has left her innocent Sridhar near a snake. Of course, Nandhini will definitely take care of him but how will she know that Apsara is not the person whom she looks as?

"But it is still a question about the nearby villages accepting us. There are high chances of them rejecting us-"

"Do not worry about that, send a letter to the royal court about your emotional loss, you will definitely be compensated." Arjuna said being careful with his words, he can't reveal that he is a king which can put them in trouble.

"But lord, Why and how will the king help us? Emotional loss can never be compensated and moreover we are not a part of their kingdom, we were won-"

“You are wrong, village head. Once you are considered as a part of Abhiras your happiness and safety is a king’s priority. So do not fear, I will send a word about your village." 

"Oh sweet lord! Thank you so much for your kindness! May the gods be with you." 

Chitra looked longingly at Arjuna who was in a deep conversation with the village head. She just realised how strong motherly feelings she has developed for Sridhar, in all these days of pain and loss unknowingly she saw her lost child in Sridhar.

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