Chapter 8 - Purpose

Start from the beginning

"You know what? You're an idiot for choosing her over me! It's your loss and not mine, you hear me?" she mutters menacingly to the 17-year-old as she leans her face near his. Itsuki glares back at her with seething anger.

"Well you know what, being rich but having a cheap personality doesn't roll with me!" He hisses through gritted teeth. And with that, he forcefully slides his chair back as it screeches against the wooden floorboards of the luxurious restaurant, and storms out.


It's been five minutes since Itsuki left Soleil, and he is still upset with Kayla.

I can't believe after all these years, she's still so immature and selfish! She's gone way too far this time! I'm glad I've finally knocked some sense into her! He huffs inside his head. The conversation he had with his friend keeps replaying over and over again in his mind.

Actually, Itsuki doesn't even know if he can still call Kayla his friend anymore. Too much stuff has happened lately, and it leaves him wondering a lot of things.

Turning around the bend of the hallway of Galactica's 3rd floor, Itsuki suddenly hears someone shouting nearby. Clearly, the voice belongs to a man.

"Where is it!?" It demands as Itsuki trails after the source of sound. He speeds up his pace as the voice becomes more audible.

Sure enough, he spots Mr. Samsford yelling into Professor Mars' face while grabbing her by the collar of her white coat.

"I told you, I don't know, okay!? Why are you so persistent!? Are you trying to steal from Dr. Masara while he's away?!" The professor barks back as she struggles against the force of the CEO's hand. Itsuki's eyes widen.

"Hey! Back off!" He hollers as he rushes to Professor Mars' side. He pushes the CEO back and he staggers towards the wall. "What do you think you're doing to the professor!?" Itsuki cries.

The CEO smirks.

"I'll remember this, Freda," He hisses evilly at her.

Suddenly, his face lights up and he cackles menacingly.

"Of course! How could I have been so stupid? Masara's lab will have what I need!"

"Oh no you don't!" Professor Mars declares determinedly. But as Mr. Samsford leaves, he pushes the professor towards the wall, but Itsuki catches hold of her as they collide and fall to the ground.

"What's going on? Why is he so desperate?" Itsuki questions while helping the professor get up off the floor. She shakes her head.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, it can't be good. Nothing good ever comes out of things when the CEO is involved," she informs the teenager.

A shiver is sent running down Itsuki's spine.

"We need to stop him from getting to Dr. Masara's lab! He's after the doctor's demolition robot design and map! Dr. Masara built it some time ago, but immediately regretted it because this machine has the ability to destroy Galactica! Knowing him, he'd never do such a villainous deed!" Prof. Mars cries.

Itsuki nods.

"I suspect it must have been part of the CEO's plan of some sort. We should hurry or the entire facility will be in grave danger!" She tells Itsuki as they make a dash for the doctor's laboratory.


It's been a very long time since Kohane last went to Dr. Masara's lab. He left on such short notice, that it left Kohane wondering whether he still cared about Galactica, whether he still cared about his daughters, and whether he still cared about her...

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